Pittspeed BBQ 8/22/04

Mustang owners. either 3 empty cartons of Newport 100’s on the passenger side floor or a 5th of Black Velvet in the glove box. :booty: :booty:

I’m down. :cool:

you better be!!!

how is everything at harvard on the MON

i take it there will be a grill allready at the pavilion?? right

and ill take it we will need charcol and lighter fluid burn darkstar to get the coals going

so someone will need to bring that stuff


edit: Spangler, you bringing betty?



wtf thats all about just cause im nice to a person----

i could really say something here but i would offend someone that has nothing to do to what that comment so i will let it drop!

im just fucking with you


in other words you’re going to bitch out?


we all know chad its ok :love:

not nice

family member?? releated??


:greddy2: :drama: :idb: :drama: :wackit: :bigthumb:

It shouldn’t be a problem, I’m planning on showing up for the BBQ sunday.

:rofl: “Harvard on the Mon”

ill be there… even though none of you know me… i gotta sport it all for the mx6’ers… all like 10 of us in the burgh

we welcome new old tall and small …come on out you will have a great time

Da probe will be there. Maybe Doug will get his Six out there?

PS… post in the noob sectin as well.


bring food

and toilet paper