Pittspeed does Ice Skating

I’ll drive the zambonie!

Your one to talk tiny…

ummm me :finger:

:rofl: :rofl:

to late i call it

me too…:finger:

Please read who posted it first…:op:

yea your right…



im game for when ever. plus ill smoke any one on the ice :wink:

Good for you

i cant skate but ill go


i suck at skating for the first 15mins, then I’m fine for the time being, then i can skate pretty damn good. im surprised how fast my fat ass travels on ice skates

this will be like a mr2 vs a 240!

what are the days posted?(m-f)?

I am going to the monster truck show with the kids, but if it isn’t on that night, I am most definitely in.

I haven’t skated much in the past few years, but I am faster than my 5 year old so I should be better than 9/10 members of Pittspeed. :smiley:

9th or 10th, 2nd is taco night


eh. im a hockey player, i live on the ice. so yeah.

any idea on the day yet?