Ice Skating Feb 2 - North Park

Session starts at 7:30

Check out this link for more details on the skating rink!

Google Directions!

haha short notice kinda, but ill go.

I do believe Beth and I will make it out.

i would go but I’ve never tried ice skating

ill be out

I wana go but the gf is moving then

your goin down… like a stack of bricks son…

i am gonna hang along the boards and try to make laps around the rink!! woot


me and adam will be there

nick, i take it youre goin. looks like im gonna try to make it

I’m looking at apartments that day, but I’ll try to show up with my g/f. Since the only person I’ve meet outside the fourm has been burnyd, an I doubt he’ll be on the ice, I’ll stunn my nice evo shirt. So say whats up if you think you see me, BEN

i have a feeling we will stick out like a sore thumb… I will have a pittspeed hoodie on of some sort!

i will be the guy hanging onto the board trying to make my way around the rink so yeah should be easy to spot

I better see a video of someone getting checked posted up…

we are going to play keep away with Jeff’s Yamaka!



us? never

jewish Zamboni

this is the one outside correct?

is this the correct location?

yes and yes.