Pittspeed does Ice Skating

What day works best for everyone? I was thinking having it at North Park since there has been 0 North Hills meets in the past year.

WHERE: North Park Ice Skating Rink
WHEN: 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
WHO: Everyone! Family, friends, whatever!

ice won’t hold all the pittspeed fat asses.

I officially challenge burnyd to a race!

I would go, not positive about Beth though. We tried the other night and she didn’t do so well and i’m a shitty teacher.

HA! I cant go if its the 10th… thats the night Sonny and I are going to see Stomp… but any other day works for me!


I’m terrible! Make her go!

I voted for the 10th, but i’m sure we can make it any night listed.

I said 2/2, but like mentioned above, I can go pretty much any night.

2nd or the 10th…9th is monster trucks at the arena!!!

are there boards along the sides? that way i can work my way around the rink :rofl: i am game haven’t skated for couple years. i was awful then so i should be good to go

i wanna see this… but with no skates, just shoes on ice.

i think whitey would have a pretty good chance, that is if no one puts a quaker steak & lube bucket at the other end of the rink

Whitey, better wear tailights on your back so dan knows where he is

altezzas FTW :rofl:


Jeff is going to wiring the altezzas up for me!



Sad thing is…u could pass for the kids discount:embarassd

You’ll buy the whole seat! But you’ll only need THE EDDDDDDDDDDDGE :rofl:

i tried ice skating once…didn’t work out well, i accepted the fact that I suck at ice skating and it would require much more work than Im willing to put into it, to actually make it at all enjoyable.