Pittspeed FREE FantasyFootball

i see what you’re saying, and now i see where the confusion is coming in; it’s all or nothing. either we all pick or we all have the computer pick.

if we have a few not picking, than someone has to make all their picks for them… then you get the arguments that you passed on a player to keep it yourself, or you don’t know what you’re doing. it’s just stupid drama. if it were as easy as letting the computer do half the work and half of us draft than i’d do that.

i’m going to turn on the autodraft this weekend, we’ll have teams later. i know it’s not the most fun, but you can prerank your players so the computer has an idea of what you want to draft. :dunno: best i can do :beer:

next year we can do it for real, but with ppl from all over the place a live draft will turn into no shows, and ppl calling in their picks instead of showing up. i see it turning into a mess like old leagues i’ve been in.

if the autodraft is a deal breaker (and i hope it’s not) let me know. i’ve had alot of things going on lately around the house and at work and i don’t have the time or energy to really get behind this like i need too. i’ll try to look on yahoo again and see if i can transfer the commish powers over to you. :bigthumb: