Pittspeed FREE FantasyFootball

its less gay than having a myspace page

luv ya too big guy.

Im in


I am out of town, but usually these things are all online anyway.



How ya been? Recent pic of the twins?

I cant sign in:dunno: I got this error:

There was a problem
There was a temporary problem with the server. Please try again shortly. (Error #115)
The password is incorrect. (Error #109)
The league is not in pre-draft mode. (Error #209)
This league is full. (Error #221)

just signed up now

^ only 4 signed in so there’s definitely room, i left it open for 12 ppl :dunno: maybe clear out the history and try again?

There are 2 different leagues on yahoo. One is free and the other is a pay league. Make sure you are signing up for the free one.

I just cancelled out of my other league so now you boys have to deal with me. :slight_smile:

im in.

it’s filling up, only 2 or 3 spots left

Are we doing a live online draft or just having them pick for us? Can we do a live draft? Please please please… :love:

the draft is half the fun and i know that’s the best way, but unless we can coordinate it’s not gonna happen :dunno:

pick a day for the draft. Preferrably a night or weekend. (most people are available). If you cannot attend the draft, the site will pick the best available player.

I am available any day after 7pm


i’ve never done the online draft only live or automated… seems like work, if anyone wants to call a date and be responsible for getting everyone online and such than go for it… otherwise, let’s just do an automated one soon, make our trades before ppl get injured, and we’ll shoot for a live draft, or online draft next year when we can prepare. :smiley:

i vote autodraft this year, real deal next year… your votes?