Pittspeed Monroeville Lunch

do enough (3-4) work out around there to do one this week… lil meet and greet :hs: :beer:

hey go fuck yourself there rooke!

hahahahah i didn’t even see this

are you doing work in monroeville or something? downtown = too far from monroeville for lunch :hs:


I’m in Edgewood, so it’s not too far. Just real busy right now at work.

actually last year on christmas eve (weds) i was at work finishing a deal for my boss who had left for south beach earlier that day… so since i was there till 5 on christmas eve, i just took friday the day after christmas off… it turned into a fight and basically i quit as i was getting fired. it was a move for the better though bc he didn’t realize that another company was trying to convince me to quit all along. so i took a week off and started a new job at a higher wage in plum… been there for a year. i kinda miss the city sometimes but then i remember the parking fees and traffic and realize that i am waaaay better off :beer:

im in but when???

also where do we wanna eat???

i dunno monroevilles a far drive

you asshole :moon: (that lives in monreoville)

I vote for oakland :wink:

:wink: :bigok: im down

:nono: come downtown!!!

rookee wouldnt get much of a lunch in traffic going from plum to downtown

oh jeez, drive five minutes to oakland :kekegay: i can make it to oakland if more are willing to do that :yum:


I say just goto Sq. Hill. Minio’s Pizza, and Peppi’s never been there yet…
That or Southside STeaks… but thats a lil far

How about everyone come to the ghetto of Beaver Falls and we all have lunch here? haha

back to monreoville
bella luna
gateway grill

x damons and hooters pic from the first two