Pittspeed Politics - v. GOP/DEM/Primaries/Ron Paul

wait, what? He’s a Pittsburgher?

i wish that instead of voting for one or the other you could use ur vote to take one away from the one you hate more.

I’m a registered Libertarian, and my vote usually leans Republican, but I’d honestly be happy to see anyone but Clinton in office. Even Obama. I disagree with 99.9% of what comes out of his mouth, but at least he tells you what he thinks when he opens it.

Ideally, though, I’d like to see McCain win.


obama can’t win. name recognition is a very big thing…there are plenty of people who won’t know much about the canidates but will still vote and would see his name Barack hussein Obama and will think… saddam hussein and Osama bin laden. plus you gotta count in the fact he’s black. there are still large parts of this country that won’t vote for a black guy even if he proved to be Jesus Christ. so he’s gotta count on blacks to come out in masses to vote for him… blacks are 12%… of the 12% how many are voting age… of that How many aren’t convicted felons and are allowed to vote, of that how many are registered, of that who will show up and of that who will vote for him. too many “ifs” … the party won’t run him.

Please, for the love of god don’t let the fact that he’s not getting that much media coverage let you be fooled into him not being a viable candidate. The underground movement supporting him is IMMENSE. He had what most thought was a SERIOUS pipedream of raising 12 million dollars last quarter. He ended up raising over $20 million. Most of that was raised over the internet from random people like you and me. Not big corporate donors. They had an internet fund drive on the anniversary of the boston tea party a couple weeks ago that raised over $6 million in ONE DAY. That is more than Huckabee raised all of last quarter. His supporters have even bought a blimp to advertise his candidacy. All of this is without the help of his official campaign. Also, the polls are very skewed against Ron Paul. A LOT of his supporters are either too young to have voted already, or have only a cell phone and no land line, which would make them exempt from the phone banks contact them. He is going to have a VERY strong showing in Iowa and New Hampshire and after that the mainstream media will no longer be able to ignore him.

also there are a TON of Youtube videos out there now regarding him. I love his official campaign video on immigration. And while i am Pro-Choice, I agree with Dr. Paul’s stance that it should be up to the states to decide for themselves whether or not they want to allow abortions.

Another interesting Ron Paul fact: He has never voted to approve an unbalanced budget, and he wants to eliminate the IRS and replace it with NOTHING. If we can get our government spending back down to the year 2000 levels then we could eliminate the federal income tax and replace it with NOTHING!

i would have agreed with you, back in 2000. He has turned into a total neocon douchecanoe now though.

And if you are a Libertarian, and would be happy to see Romney or September 11th in office, you should be castrated. You did know that Dr. Paul ran as a Libertarian candidate back in the 80’s right?

Dormont High School class of 1953


What’s anyone’s take on Bill Richardson and Mike Huckabee? Huckabee and Richardson seem kinda OK on the surface and both really have helped to turn around New Mexico and Arkansas, don’t you think?

i don’t want a minister running this country.

yeah new mexico is awesome…not

Huckabee is a fucking nutbag ex-Baptist minister. Richardson is ok in my book, but not so much for POTUS. He’d make a great Secretary of State, if not for the fact that Biden would be an even better one than he would. IMHO.

edit: Logik beat me to it. lol

hah, it’s just so obvious.

If your on the internet you should know who Ron Paul is. Its the only medium he is pushed in the hardest. The national media is too controlled and he gets shat all over by all the major stations(pullinghis name off online polls and such).

In the end I will end up voting for him. Even if I could give a rats ass about politics.

Fred Thomas would have my vote. Ron Paul is weak in several areas I consider important.

and what areas might those be?

and it’s Fred Thompson. :hsugh:




can you imagine how many times he will use that L&O CHA CHA noise thing in the State of the Union?



im voting for cliton. couldnt be worse than bush dick and colon

Ron Paul will legalize Marijuana.


Darkstar, you’re letting me down.

I thought for sure you would comment on Sec of State. :x: