Pittspeedin' 06

Ok so, its december. Everyone is either down time on the car or working on it for the summer. Which means sitting on ps all the time or a combo on working on the car and ps. For all the noobs and the vets. what would you like to see new and improved on pittspeed for 06. Keep in mind! Me and the whitness got full-time jobs that and im going back to school soon.

One thing I can think of, that someones gonna post is the videos. Yes oh the beutiful videos. WERE WORKING ON IT. We still havent decided on somethings but HOPEFULLY all the footage we have of last season will be up sooner then later. That and I think we currently have like um… 20 something tapes? So thats alot of shyt we gotta go threw for you peeps to enjoy. Trust me though it will be worth the wait.

But all suggestions are welcome.

get to more national races within a few hours of here. MIR, a track in NY, and norwalk are all def. on the list

Winter activities suggestion - Pittspeed snowtubing

Website suggestion - Live video stream(webcam) from World of Wheels

what ever u guys have time to do!

have events actually that fall thru.

…go cart outing
i cant think of others right now

the reason shit doesnt go through is the lack of interest. Hockey had some interest yes, but not nearly enough for me wanting to put $180 on my credit card for it.

I think to help with get togethers, you nee dto revamp the meets section. Maybe have it blocked into “Pittspeed Get togethers” and just general BS meets. Also have some kind of REQUIRED format, like having the date in the title and so forth. This is common sense but if its not put up properly delete it. Too much clutter with “yo lets meet up” as the title.

There has to be a way other than “stickying”, and actually block the meets section into 2 sections.


Title - “Pittspeed Go-Cart meet - 8/1/2005”

The first post is updated with the finalized information so its not lost in the thread.

Example 2:

Title - “Foggy Goggle - 12/1/2005”

First post is edited with the final information (time attendance list and so forth).

Then once an event is completed, immediatly lock it after the orginizer posts about it being a success or failure. Then move it or delete it. You also need to have somone incharge of moderating that forum that is actually going to watch it. Not fuck around in it or let it go.

I think it will illiminate a lot of missed events. There is stuff I had no idea about. Then on the main page have an blocked off section for “Upcoming Pittspeed gatherings” and keep a list there with a link to the thread.

good idea ^

yea like i dont even read the meets posts since most are bs

you guys post whore through the meet threads, then bitch at me for locking it :rolleyes:

There is a difference, I’m sorry but you were locking it just because you could. Notice it was opened back up. That was not post whoreing like you do on a threadly basis, that was a discussion on why D&B would or would not work with the age group.

FIXED :bigthumb:

Not to start crap but the hockey thread is a prime example. The pewter posts in there about “fuck this shit lets play football”. THATS post whoring, plus from what I gather the hockey thing fell through. so why is it still stickied and being posted in.

Final post should have been “This event was cancelled due to lack of support”, then locked and unstickied or removed.

You want to bitch or call people fucksticks and tell them hockey sucks, make another thread in OT and whore away.

GO BACK TO PITTRACING,u turn very thread into a pissing match! :jerkit:
now knock it off & keep this thread right!

prime example right here. I’m discussing about the meets and siad I was just using that thread as an example. what do you do, get offensive and take it off topic.



New PITTspeed “Meet Forum” Rules

  1. All thread titles must include type of event OR location, date, and whether or not the event is a PITTspeed function. Example: “PITTspeed.com BBQ – 08/01/2006” or “Matrix Tonight – 12/01/2006”

  2. First post in every thread will have the final event information which includes but not limited to Attendance list, Date(s), Time, and Location.

  3. All posts in threads must pertain to the discussion at hand. This includes discussions pertaining to positive and negatives of the location, attendance roll call, date changes, etc.


  5. Once event is completed, original organizer should make the final post if the event was successful, unsuccessful, or canceled. Afterwards the thread will be locked. NO POST EVENT DISCUSSION IN THE THREAD. Start a new thread in On-topic or Off-Topic for event feedback if desired.

Explanation for the moderator or administrator of the forum

1. Discussion permitted in thread would include:

A. All discussions pertaining to the location of the event including pros and cons of each location.
B. All discussions pertaining to the date and time of the event so a proper decision or change can be made.
C. Final post recapping the event ONLY BY THE ORGANIZER

2. Discussions NOT permitted in thread would include:

A. Negative remarks about the event it’s self. If people don’t want to participate that’s fine, just don’t post.
B. General post whoring comments.
C. Discussions resulting in a SECOND event to be organized. IE if someone doesn’t like Football and wants to organize a Billiards session, the post needs to be deleted and the individual PM’d and asked to start another thread.

3. After thread is locked.

A. It can be deleted.
B. A “read only” archive subsection can be added to the meets section as to keep public record of successful events for people to refer to.
C. An admin archive can be made to move the threads after they have been locked for admin record.


hey I was just doing what I was asked.

Pittspeed is fine the way it is…

ok i can not read all of SNS stuff, but I will tomorrow. The one thing with the meets is the planning, and I mean I don’t mind planning everything. But it would be nice every once and a while to have someone else plan the event. most everyone is friends, and we are all members for the board. When we get together its always a good time. So some one needs to just step up sometimes and plan.