Pizza and Wings?

Thats a good idea. Better prolly to reheat the pizza and wings.


Word. I reheat my shit on a pizza stone its almost as good as fresh pizza.


iv got one of those, actually one for casseroles too. u cant wash them with soap or else they are ruined. but the pizza is good

more worried about the pizza? nah dude, just pitch the wings

I say take one for the team and do a study on the effects of day old pizza and wings sitting on the counter. Post a full report so we can make it a sticky.

just eat it


just eat it


oh its defiantly getting eaten when i get home

lol, like i said ive eaten older pizza and wings, no issues.

but if uve seen me, you would know i dont care about what i throw down my throat

It’s all good. Just man up and eat it. Throw the pizza in the microwave for a few seconds to soften it up a bit if its stale. As for the wings the hot sauce keeps them from going bad so you have nothing to worry about. Ive eaten pizza and wings before where no one could even remember when they were ordered. I was severely hung over at the time, but I’m still here aren’t I?

Nuke them bitches, however I wouldn’t touch it.

i’d pass on the wings
pizza should be ok


but if uve seen me, you would know i dont care about what i throw down my throat


Oh no Kevin…
:mamoru: :gay:

youre fine. just dont eat the blue cheese

ate the wings and pizza…no blue cheese.

delicious and still alive.