I drove it once so far- last Sunday I took it for a 10 minute drive.
Did you enjoy it?
a little but it was rather annoying how it got sideways so easily. I dont want it getting sideways passing cars at 80
Hmm. Dyno it!
I dont really want to spend any money on it this year.
dyno it ,get a a/f readout and see where its at …then drive it and be happy
dyno numbers dont mean shit most of the time though.
I know it runs rich and eats gas. My eyes burned after putting it in the garage last weekend.
Running it that rich ain’t helping the rings at all, bud.
Its always ran rich. I dont drive it enough to worry about it.
And theres are reason you put a new motor in it last year…
No, that was because the last fucktard that worked on it misadjusted the valves and eyeballed the heads and said they were fine when they were warped to shit.
There was a little oil getting by the rings but nothing serious. I couldve just bolted on the heads after getting them fixed and called it a day but decided to go with a new motor instead.
Looking back I shouldve just put those heads on and not gotten a new motor.
Told ya, ya dumb fuck :lol
well I had hopes and dreams and now Ive just got an empty wallet and a car I dont drive and dont want anymore
Gimme the car. Tax write-off as gift.
I already filed my taxes and got my return.
i shoulda just bought it when i was lookin for a car
Yeah, you should have except I already had the new motor at that point.
Drove it a bit last night and cleaned it up a bit today.
Looks god Paul!