pjb,s e/bay build up


lol what? like you know me…

Ahh the you don’t know me game

i could use the mustang for this weekend, i’d throw some badass trickflow heads and roll with it

I dunno PJB that well, but from what I gather, his logic is sub-par just about everywhere? funny as shit, though, some of the things that come out of his fingers. I’ve done some not-so-smart things, but I listened and learned. I don’t know everything but I know when there are thirty people all telling me the same thing, maybe I should at least consider what they have to say?

pot meet kettle.

so basically Ive been offered a $1500 truck and a $900 car and some BMW Ive got no idea wtf it is but Im assuming something old and beat up and people think I should be jumping all over those?

I also dont want a bike of any kind. Im not into bikes and have no desire to ride one. I know Id die on one anyway.

I like my truck and Im not getting rid of it. I can afford the payments and gas for it without a handout so fuck off with that nonsense.

Really keeping my car isnt hurting anything. I havent put any money into it this year and dont plan on it.

The main reason Im not putting it up for sale is it needs a bit of work that I dont feel like doing right now and I know Id just get stupid lowball offers like Ive been getting here if I put it on CL.

Tdi is worth more than 900 dummy

Drive train alone is 2500+

I would have traded the mustang for the ‘dumpy’ BMW in a heartbeat.

Ive got no use for a BMW at all and I dont see how a 14 year old high mileage Jetta is worth more than $1500 and thats being generous

id trade the mustang for the bike and sell the bike.

Id rather not have to deal with selling something I know absolutely nothing about

So you would rather be selling a broken item without fixing it?

10 seconds to get all the info on the bike - google.com

You know, this mustang parallels your life.

It has potential but you don’t use it.

It’s broken but you won’t fix it.

People offer solutions or exit routes but you won’t take them.

You sit there and bitch that people low ball, offer stuff you don’t want or like or that you don’t even really care for selling it.

Problem isn’t going to solve itself. You actually have to do something.

a running TDI that isn’t rotted apart is on par if not worth a little more then your non running can’t test drive bustang, but I have a feeling trying to explain why to you would just be a giant waste of time.

this car will never get fixed/put back on the road with your lazy attitude pjb

lock 1

What does the Mustang need? I know someone who may be interested

a non-Polish owner.

It needs something with the ignition and the reverse lights stay on the whole time the key is on. The inspection sticker expired last September so it needs one of those two.

The car runs and drives fine but needs to be started by jumping the starter solenoid with a screwdriver. Id rather not drive it because thats a pain in the ass.

Really Id have to change too much on the car to make it the way I want it. Right now its more set up for drag racing than anything else and Id like to make it corner but the parts it needs to be converted to do that are more than I can afford.

what about your car is more towards drag racing? your not on drag radials, you dont have drag suspension, you have a full interior, you dont have aggressive gears in it etc. IMO you are closer to a handling car, then a drag car.

just stop complaining about it man. You gotta do something about it. Its not going to fix itself.