pjb,s e/bay build up

Take that 3500

i offered 3600.

whaat a dumbass

He should take it and run


Sold last Saturday for $4100. Fuck the haters.

Oh well. At least you can buy that blower with (mostly) cash for your truck now.

damn I would’ve paid that when I was looking

nope, putting that money towards my credit card bill.

Also nice saving $40 a month on insurance.


C’mon Paul…“Putting”? it’s been a week and the money would of went on the card if that was the case. We all know you want to buy something!!!

I havent gotten a chance to go to the bank. I got paid on Saturday and then had to help my cousin move so I missed the bank and I didnt want to carry that much cash to work during the week so Im going to the bank on Saturday.

hahahhaa didnt someone offer 5k??

like he was serious. No matter what he says he was full of shit

woulda traded ya an 01 sonata and 500 for the stang, tweaked it up and would’ve been clickin off 10s quick…

how you think i’d look in the stang?

like a tool

it ws a nice car ill give you that… but a waste in youre hands

waste of money was what it was. I spent way too much on it.


I lol’d.