PJB's Therapy Thread

Paul is down with the syndrome, and ok with it.

Just got back from Mexico, clicked on PJB’s thread. Nothing has changed. I am bummed out now.

why so bummed out??


I feel bad for the guy. All it takes is a little effort.

Paul needs a Harley



Classic. Props.

In before unnecessary comment from Peanut Jelly Bigot about superimposing his head onto a black man’s body.

He should probably be thankful (from the waist down at least)

If I were to get a bike it would have to be a Harley but Im not into bikes at all so I wont have to worry about that.

With the exception of a bicycle Ill stick to 4 wheeled vehicles.

I might buy a new bike (bicycle) in a couple of weeks. I’ll ride on the bike path with ya

/\ ride together on the bike path gay sex

Im not into that fudgepacking stuff

I dont know why but this made me literally lol :lol

Deep thoughts, with p j b