PJB's Therapy Thread


Then I dont know why people told me to use it. Its got straight 30w in there now I think. No clue because its been in there almost two years. Still not 3k on it though so its gonna stay in there for a while.


you are helpless.

So true.

No, I can change my own oil. I just do it every 3k regardless of time.

You should change your oil at least yearly regardless of mileage. Take that thing out of the garage! I want a run!

naaaah just let that oil sit there for a few more years. let it sludge up and do great things to that motor you are still paying for.

It was fine the last time I checked it which I think was that night in the car wash when you pulled up on the bike. The liight came on so I added some when I got it home.

Its not coming out of the garage this year unless it finds a new owner.

2K, I’ll be there with trailer in 2 hours.

T6 just works good in subaru motors. Lots of people use it in their subarus with no issues

gonna take more than that pocket change

Funny, coming from someone that lives check to check.


exactly. he just wants his credit card balance as a payment for it even though its not worth much more than 4 grand.

what is mine worth ???

more than his. it runs correctly when its together and the wiring isnt all rigged up, suspension works, you dont have hideous wheels and ford taurus spec tires on it.

if you own it and its 100% drivable and fun which your car is, use it. u just make ur self look and sound like jackass. u will NEVER get what you think its worth for it, or anything you will ever sell in your life. no one does. ur car is nice paul, and u have alot of time and money invested but you cant charge other ppl for it. if you really wana sell it, put it on craigslist and wantaddigest and stop bitching ! theirs 5.0s on want ad for 6k, out urs in for 5,800 and take 5…if your lucky. some ford fag will buy it

Thing is, he dosen’t even own it. Built on credit cards and loans. With no intentions of driving it, only choice is to sell it for whatever you can get for it. Now, I’ve used credit and loans to buy/build before, shit, I owe 9K on the Evo, but it’s worth a lot more and I actually use the car each weekend.

It needs work to be driveable. The whole having to go under the hood and start it with a screwdriver issue isnt much fun.

then how do u explain wanting the amount of money you want in its current condition??? u dont seem like u intend on fixing the problem(s) let it go make a few g’s pay off bills and go to the sink and wash ya damn handz

I didnt even mention a dollar amount.

I probably wouldnt bother trying to sell it without fixing it but I just lack the motivation to do anything with it.

Keeping it isnt hurting me.

You have enough motivation to do hours of cardio everyday!

Fix this thing and drive it all summer! It probably gets the same or better gas mileage as the truck. I have driven my bird 3k miles already since late April. The Grand Slam doesn’t move unless it’s a shit day or the GF needs to go somewhere. Even then, if the Fireturd is already dirty it gets driven in the rain too.