Any places hiring???

As topic states looking for a new job.

How comfortable are you with erotic massage?

I hear eman’s looking for a pool boy.

Awesome thread


This is the last place you’re going to want to utilize when conducting a job search.

Stalk Craigslist, Capitalareahelpwanted, Monster etc etc

best bet dude, need to check it everyday, ive seen jobs posted and taken off quite quickly… honestly think thats your best bet.

What kind of job are you looking for? I’ll keep an ear out

Time Warner cable is hiring a shitload of ppl. Check them out, new office is in colonie just off of 155.

^ old sears repair building

what do u want for a job

Yup, I work there :slight_smile:
It’s really nice, great benefits too.

GE or CSX.

doing what and what days/hours? I need something decent and thats fairly close to home.

im thinking of going to GE myself and a few other places

Good luck.

battery plant is hiring 2nd and 3rd shift

battery plant is ur best bet (GE Transportation). i hear that they might be hiring again in the main plant within the year (GE Energy). but who the hell knows. i hear rumors all of the time

I know for sure the battery plant is hiring because one of my friends works there.

Id apply if it was 1st shift but thats not available right now

I just got hired at amtrak

you should apply anyway you putz and take a better job. you EARN first shift. you dont typically start on first shift at a job like that

booo fuckin hooo pjb… you dont just GET 1st shift man. you need to put in your time. hope ur happy with your current job and life. bc ur stuck thier forever until you learn how to incorperate change into your life big guy. guess what? 1st will never be availible unless you work here and get enough senority to fill an opening on 1st shift. only way.

Paul wants more now, more later. Only way he rolls.