Place your bets!

About to go to Coinstar with ~1 gallon of change. Most of the quarters got turned into Wilson Pharms coffee in the mornings over the past year. Otherwise, a nice even mix.


Way over $150.
Reading owns me, I didn’t read about the quarters before I voted.

How heavy is it?

…there were 47 quarters…

are you sharing if we guess right? i’m kinda broke this week.

deffinitly 150+

I got close to 80.00 with a SMALL ass jar of change (like a small vlasic pickle jar) edit: then again, it was mostly quarters/dimes/nickles

I had a large pretzel container about 3/4 full I brought in recently. I ended up with $435.00 :slight_smile: I bet you are in the $100 range since it looks like a lot of pennies.

Helped me get a gift certificate for my 46" Samsung DLP tv from Amazon.

Def. 150+

how muchhhhhhhhhhhhh?

dont keep us in suspense. i wanna know. now.

I’d say about 100-150

+150 crowd



Survey says…
$119 - Coinstar’s cut = $108 for me. :smiley:


Damn im good… lol

i lose.

arghh…wrong guess…lol

i was about to pick that range

bah… used too many qarters lol