Planet Fitness employee admits to groping teen

20!? Man, you must murder the shit out of your cock constantly!


There’s nothing cool about fucking a tranny. If Alex didn’t bring it up I was surely going to. Shit I told you a few weeks ago dave. Im brutally honest. Your going to have to live with fucking a guy for the rest of your life.

Fuck you jammer.


No sex in 10 years…

Let’s put the numbers on paper. Given the aforementioned fact, you’ve probably masturbated twice a day for the last 10 years. So…

365x2=730, that’s 730 times a year. Times 10 years, 7300. Let’s cut it back to 6000 for ‘safety’.

Jellies, you’ve masturbated at least 6000 times in the last 10 years.

Today’s Strong Jellies (right arm anyway) Award goes to YOU!

atleast nobody got pregnant

Oh, thats how it rolls in back seats of Jeeps?

Ok to swallow my load, but you wont take the fakers?

Don’t be mad that I officially now made $10.5 k on a $10 purchase…just cause you propped it up all pretty for me to see. Gotta stop hatin’


BTW, Alex is okay in my book… and ROI’s books too. :–) Nuthin but “good business” under those bridges. For rizzle.

Hahahhahahhahahahhaa your a sick fuck.

Signature worthy. Thank you

Comedy gold here, its amazing.

Dude banged Lois einhorn/Ray Finkle?! That should go to the grave with you…thats the kind of ballbusting material that lasts a lifetime.

PJB, stop being so picky and find yourself something to cram your junk into, most girls…are girls.

Im just not looking to fuck anything with a hole and a heartbeat. Ive got standards.

Yeah but you need some pipe laying practice, 9 years? Most would consider you literally a virgin. By the time you find somebody who fits your standards, life and sexual enjoyment will have passed you by. Dave gets more credit than you and he penetrated a man.

really its not that important to me at this point and Im not just going to fuck somebody just for the sake of fucking somebody.

come on paul, when you crank one out you do it just for the sake of it, whats the difference?

Nobody is wrong for their reasons, it what makes us who we are.

pregnancy, aids, etc.

lmao, i didnt think jammer had it in him, +rep.

hahaha you know it

This thread far surpasses sister fucker as the best on Shift.

Perfect new Sig quote for someone:

Actually, that’s called libel and he could sue you for a lot of money. Be very, very careful when you walk down that road.

first of all he might as well be jewish, guy tells me to hold a $100 tv and then doesnt answers my phone calls and backs out after i told like 8 different people it was sold… highly unlikely hed take me to court and if he did my lawyer would make him look like an idot and id end up counter suing him for my lawyer fees which would be free but would normally cost around $1,500