Planet Fitness employee admits to groping teen

:rofl :rofl :rofl

Dave, you are 100% the most ridiculous member on this site. No offense meant by that dude! You just have the fucking craziest stories all of the time, and nothing you ever say fails to deliver. Rep :rofl

so does it look like a real vagina or does it look like a hole where a penis used to be?

omg now it came to my mind she was that chick you used to bang…she had a red hyundai and used to drive around with your chihahua

I watched suttin on black market sex changes . They fold the penis inside out. and stuff a toothpaste tube in there till it heals , then remove it when healed lolololololol

Wait wait , Dave used to hit that off ? Lolololololol bwahahahaha

While I wouldent be suprised by this at all, what 16 year old boy wouldent want his shit being groped? even if she isnt the hottest chick ont he block… Kids a fucking liar

as far as her being transgender, Dave i dont know if she is or not, but its very possible she is, if you search hard enough you can sure as shit find medical pictures of male-female pics (yes I wanted to see what a man made vagine looked like :rofl) and I will tell you, you would probably have a hard time telling

looking at the his pix Joseph just looks like a good dude

adams apple = game over.



dude take it easy …you can keep ur treasures as far as me hitting on all my friends girls is naturalyou can ask sbardy delucia myers…

and no ill have my partber chip in that you were hitting joseph


call it like you want…but if i see you regularly i mean everytime i see you shes with you…


John knows so much about gay/herma culture and posts penises so often not to mention sexual enuendos on dudes, he’s going to have hard time conniving me he’s straight.

Kids and wife are a damn good cover up though.

i never said that you were a FAG if you banged her and if she had a piece then it would be different obviously now he got all female parts


Hey man , I’m sure it ain’t that bad . If by lookin at her Pussy ya couldn’t tell it used to be a dick I say game on !!! Only thing is I’m sure she is a squirter …

There not talking about me vlad lol fuckin a man

OMG John :rofl:rofl:rofl