Which one of these deserves the number one spot of planet killer
The Death Star: A massive battle station capable of destroying an entire planet with a super laser
Weakness: Unable to shoot down the only things that can destroy it, Fighters.
Genesis Torpedo (Star Trek 2): Shoot at a planet, kill everything on it while creating your own echo system.
Weakness: Attracts nasty Klingons and genetically enhanced pschopaths.
Galactus: A god-like being that requires to devour worlds in order to survive.
Weakness: Fantastic Four
Unicron: The greatest of all Transformers. He is a planet that transforms into a robot that is required to devour robotic world in order to power his systems.
Weakness: The Matrix of Leadership and the song “The Touch” by Lion
Deathstar was as close second. But it would appear to be pretty damned slow, seriously a day to line up and shoot a planet. How fucking hard is it to hit a damn planet. And what about going from planet to planet… SLOOOOOW. Hell Unicron would just eat the damned thing faster than Darth Vader could whip his scwartz out. :tup: