Plans for 4th of July??

Besides, I would have been your boss. :slight_smile:

awww… I didn’t know that

Insignificant details.

That place is fantastic for someone that doesn’t want to work and make a paycheck. The company won’t go anywhere due to their political connections.

You are young and have a career ahead of you and made a better choice.

wat job/company are you both talking abuot, i may be totally interested

Im supposed to go to a car show in Massachuesetts with my brother for the weekend put I think he’s being a pussy and doesnt want to go now.

IDK bout all of you but I’m gonna be chilling on the shore of Lake Ontario having a brew and launching as many fireworks as I can.

Sport Island pub at the Sac. then over to the camp by Fishhouse rd. Big firez, Beerz, Titz, Fireworkz, good timez.

my main plan is NOT to get hit by a drunk bastard as the entire nation gets tanked

I think I can make this.

Who’s going?

  1. Swifty
  2. Shawn
  3. Justin
  4. GranMassa$%*#
  5. ?

when and where?

Why not just got to that club you met me and nick at? Ill buy you jager and coke, so the bartender can make fun of me…

July 4th. Where? Wherever. Any place with good beer.

The bartender made fun of you?

I told you that the bar…I go to bartender…gin and tonic( i think for your girlfriend) and a jager and coke…and hes like umm what? I go jager and coke sir…and hes like thats fucking disgusting dude thats the grossest drink ive ever heard …im like o…jager and coke please…

PS the only thing i remember from that night is buying you people drinks buying a rose from some bum who said it s was 2 bucsk i gave him 10 and he didnt wanna gimmy change till i made him and then some fat bitch spilling a drink and me yelling at her.


Really? It’s delicious but straight Jager is better.

I drink straight jack on teh rocks thats my drink

Place with excellent beer and never super busy is Malt River in Latham. Always 25+ beers on tap. They have a game room with darts and pool that no one is ever in either. Just a thought.

I don’t know many places really since I just go in the basement for quality brew.

Sounds good. I am swamped this week so hopefully Swifty can take this up and roll with it for us

I’ll be at saratoga lake all day with the 'rents, so as long as its a later thing (after dinner) then I’ll be there.

I got work all day until 9PM or so so that works for me.

work? on the 4th of July?!