play station 3 mayhem


No they don’t.

wahooo got a 60gig…ebay here i come


yes best buy had 2 20 gb left at 11 this morning dont know about now however probably gone you have to ask for them though i got mine this morning so without waiting in a line


PS3 keeping the rapists off the streets. :tup:

Xbox >>>>>> PS

whats the price on these puppies at the stores?

so does any one want it

500 for 20gb
600 for 60gb

supposedly sony is promising 600000 more before xmas, if thats the case i would think that the prices will drop off on ebay…

my response exactly

I hate the people who would actually pay those outrageous ebay prices for PS3s almost as much as I hate everyone who bought them just to sell them.

Thumbs up to all the people fucking with ebay auctions by bidding 50k…

so basically what your saying is you dont like to make $ :bloated:

Yeah, thumbs up to people be ignorant fucks and costing people money!

I hate people who make money too!!