Playstation 3 Delayed and Buggy?

An industry insider who goes by the name Fishie (how very appropriate) says that he got some hands-on time with Playstation 3 games in Japan and wasn’t too happy with what he saw.

From his comments:

PS3 Info Before I Head Out Of Japan Friday Towards Noon, Thats Tokyo time. Have fun waiting a while longer boys. No way that thing is coming out in March. The games just arent there and lots of other isseus I cant delve into right now… CONTINUNED IN LINK BELOW

Fuck you matt why do you have to post this you xbox fanboy!!! /scene

Yeah people are nuts if they think this is going to launch withough bugs either. No system is 100% perfect but with my buddy’s xbox he will be sending his back and they will replace it within 2 weeks. No big deal to me.

I dont care if it’s delayed till next year… it’ll still be the next generation gaming colsole… the xbox 360 is just another gaming console… but this isn’t a thread of which is better… it’s a thread about bugs… remember that it’s still in a beta mode… so if it’s major hardware bugs… that’ll be a problem… if it’s just a few simple bugs not an issue. And there are many games ready for release.

I never expected the Ps3 to release in March anyways, I do not mind waiting for a console brand I love. Sony has a good return policy as well and I do not feel scared to buy it from launch.

I have a feeling the PS3 is going to exceed the Xbox 360 in terms of performance and features. I guess the release price will determine how successful it is but I have no doubt that Sony Fanboys will be all over this one regardless if it’s $500 or more.

Fishie sure was vague.

In any event, finding bugs and fixing them before release > Rushing the 360 to market just to beat the PS3.

still no bugs with my 360

Worth the wait. PS3 > X-Box 360

I’m just a ps fan

yeah ps3 was announced like early last month that it is going to be delayed till late summer or just in time for christmas sales. yeah it sucks, but matt is right, regardless of how much it is, everyone is going to buy it. by the way they need to change that batarang of a controller, it looks just awful.

ps2 sold way more than xbox even though xbox was better in every measurable way because it was out earlier.
I see no reason why the reverse won’t happen here…there’s only so much difference in graphics that you can get from your typical TV.


People don’t buy games soley on the fact that the graphics are better. I firmly believe that the PS2 had better games in every genre and that is why it has been more popular. In addition to that, it had the PS1 to lead people in where the Xbox had nothing but screenshots and MS hype.

Maybe I am full of shit but I don’t see Sony’s reign on the console arena being truncated anytime soon even if the release of the PS3 is delayed.

Case in point: The only non-driving games in my collection: Namco Museum 50th anniversary collection, Atari Anthology, Willliams Arcade treasures 1 & 2.

what they said.^^^

seriously xbox game of the year according to ign was jade empire…
that game blew ass.
I would love to see both systems have great titles ect.
I could give a shit what my system is called

hell I’d play games on the grandpa fucker x56 stationbox if they were good.


I miss the old days of four consoles to choose from that didn’t have all exclusive games… you could pick the system by which was really better, rather than having to choose because game x is only available for console x.