Ps3 News

PS3 Hub, September Launch

nice, im definitely pre-ordering at least one of the first ps3’s. and i will be marking them up to at least double and selling em on ebay. muuuaahahahaha

:word: I’ll probably be doing the same. I’m kicking myself still for not doing it with the 360.

Getting a PS3… re-selling it and buying my own PS3 with my earnings. :wink:

Some good reading material about the PS3 online potential to destroy xbox live on an xbox website

This is one of my favorite parts of the article:

The PlayStation 2 is the best-selling console of the current generation with more than 100 million units sold worldwide. North America, which could be considered Microsoft’s own camp, is the largest market for the PS2 to date with sales over 40 million units. On the other side, in Japan, Sony’s territory, Microsoft is struggling even worse with the Xbox 360 than it did with the original Xbox.

Despite the success of Microsoft over its competitors, things won’t change dramatically in the next-generation, which already started with the launch of the Xbox 360. Plus, the one big advantage that Microsoft had over Sony, being first to market, was lost due to the Xbox 360 suffering production shortages.

After E3, the ground will shatter as the PlayStation 3 launch date is unveiled. No one, not even Microsoft, will be able to stop the PlayStation 3 launch and you can bet it will be successful. Sony will sell, not matter the price, PS3s like hot cakes; here, in the old continent and obviously in Asia.


I bet you the launch of PS3 gets pushed back again … into 07

Eh, I don’t wanna start anything that will cause this thread to get locked (please no one start arguing!) but I think it’s acutally going to happen this time.

you could be right … it would be nice if they got the bugs worked out and everything and released it then.

im thinkin it still wont get released till a month or so before x-mas with a shortage…
then me and fox will have to sleep outside in the cold rain in front of circuitcity again