Running out of time bump!! Still need another $100 before the end of today, anything is appreciated
Just found out last week my grandpa has lung cancer that spread to his lymph nodes. I appreciate anyone riding in this and all donations! :tup:
Donation sent your way.
Sorry to hear about this, especially with it spreading to the lymph nodes. I just lost my Uncle last month to pancreatic cancer, his battle only lasted 5 weeks. Like I mentioned above though, I started riding for my friend’s mom and she is going to be chemo treatment free for the summer as of her latest checkup, which is a huge plus.
Awesome, thank you so much!!
Beautiful morning for a ride. The 100 mile main group was hammering away averaging 24mph for the first 50 miles. We stopped near Lake Ontario at mile 60 and then right back at it. My legs blew up at mile 70 and I was dropped. Ended up finishing the full distance in 5:15 at a 19mph average. Not too bad for my first century.
That is moving pretty good.
Ended up doing the 62. First bike ride of the year. Wasn’t hard…at all.
You guys should have posted your donation links. I would have contributed.
How was your nutrition? Gotta keep the good things going in to get them out.
I thought I was taking enough in during the ride, but may have fallen short. Ended up going through 3 shot blocks, 2 stinger waffles, an apple, and half a banana. Also about 3 bottles of water with electrolyte mix. HRM said I burned around 4900 calories.
I just didn’t put enough miles in beforehand. Longest ride of the season was only 36 miles before this. That, and the group pace was just too much for me. Lesson learned.
I don’t ride often but that pace is pretty damn good IMO. What are the faster guys who don’t train super serious doing it in?
My 62 was done in 4:12 and I was giving it a decent effort(not enough to be winded during or sore today though) so to go faster and further is pretty good to me atleast!
I am wanting to traing for something like a strict schedule and nutrition but can’t decide
1/2 Ironman
Full marathon 4hrs (already did one this year ~5hrs but didn’t train haha)
Ultra Marathon 50mi event with only goal to finish
The group I was with most of the day finished in 5 hours. I would say most were serious cyclists, but this was a “fun” ride and not a race. Serious cyclist for time would do it sub 4 1/2 hrs.
I’m looking to do a couple more triathlons this year and a half ironman next year. I need far more training with the swim and run.
Let me know which ones you are doing and I will sign up too! I need to practice the swim and ride a bit more. Im not terribly fast but I can run distance no prob.
I will let you know. Just trying to figure out scheduling. Most likely Tri Dunkirk on 8/26 and Nickel City Tri on 9/15
Alright so many of you probably see that I participate in the Ride and do the Komen race. I initially started the Komen race in memory of my best friend’s mom. A few years later, another very close friend of ours found out his mother was diagnosed. That’s what brought me into participating in the Ride. Well unfortunately this past October she lost her battle. It’s been a difficult past 6+ months for him, but on the bright side he did just get engaged. I’m trying to step up my fundraising efforts this year, so here’s my link:
Again, if a Mod can please update the OP with that link, that would be great. Thanks in advance everyone, it is greatly appreciated!!
Bump less than 10 days til the ride!
I need my bike tuned up for my first century next week does anyone have gus’s number or another person that can hook it up?
Best get on that.
I’m just lookin for some donations :gotme:
I always just end up writing a company check