pnc buying out national city--thoughts?

i see that pnc will be taking over national city. this is b/c national city has been f’d due to bad loans.

in a way, i think it is good–especially since i better be able to use a lot more mac machines w/o fees.

bad-- im not sure. i know our tax dollars are helping to pay for this merger, about 7.8 billion iirc courtesy of the 750 billion bailout plan.

It’s good to see that my bank is healthy enough to be buying another bank…

However, I don’t know that it’s the best decision to be using borrowed money to buy another bank. But then again my finance and economics knowledge is still lacking.

what does this mean to people who currently have national city?
my girlfriend has it and has all those point things, etc etc. is it all going to be cancelled and turned into PNC? I dont know how this shit works

i have 75k points, i better buy my shit now.

i’m with sailor. more pnc atm’s. esp. around the scottdale/m.p. area.
and personally i say good for national city. their customer service sucked.

Fuck PNC. For a lot of different reasons i hate them. I have a checking account at Nat city that i will be closing once this goes through.

I still have an open PNC account that I had pre-marrage… fn wife forced me to get National city. I heard they were in deep earlier in the year, then secured funds from investors.

I like PNC, their online bill payment is better then NC. I usually pay my car payment out that way.

fuck all banks. credit union ftw

i hope my points carry over

Citizens > all

lol, I closed my pnc account shortly after marriage, because she used to pay bills… I’ve been meaning to switch to PNC for almost 3 years now since I pay bills, but just don’t want to deal with the headache… especially with some of the auto-draft payments…

Odly enough when banks started to close, she call me from work and said to go switch all of our accounts to PNC before Nat City goes under! If I wasn’t leaving for Atlanta the upcoming weekend she would have really pushed until I would have most likely caved!

PNC ftw. i have never had a problem besides my debit card would stop working but i think thats because it sat up against my credit car and liscence in my old wallet (not a 400 dollar one fyi) and the got me a new one within 4 days. national city sucked i use to have them until i went to state college and there wasnt one around the area so i changed to pnc and been happy since.

and i have money in a credit union they rock for loans but the money i use on a day to day basis is in pnc.