PnR tomorrow night?

Hey, at least Emanuel knows how to dial my number once in a while!
(Even if it is only to ask for directions. :lol)

u wernt there were u?

and shady, my bad. i remember meeting u, but dont remember what u look like. i swear ill make it up to u. fap fap

u need to stop smoking asap. that shit is nasty.

Aww man, you had to go there.
Now Jesse is going to jump my case again.
But, you are correct in that sir.

I met you last night E

and we toched P P’s

No, I’m way too anti-social for that.

And we were up til 1am dropping my trans back out.

plus juan

You get the pictures of me and that stud… and by stud i mean horse I sent you

Shits HAWT

Oh yea the sword fight was good times

nicole, its just so fucking not necessary. u pay god knows what per pack to do nothing but shorten ur life. spare me the :cry: when we find out u got lung cancer.

lets replaces smoke with nice healthy weights. its all about dedication. do u haz it?

Hm. Okay, I tell you what.
I promise you, after this pack I have, I will not buy any more.
Are you going to be my support group? :hug

yes but it was one of those times where u need something really weird to jerk off to, watch/look at it then after u finish u hit the delete button so hard u break your key board and hate yourself for the next 20 mins. then when ur ready to go again, ur trying to retreive those files. hahaha

Yea call her shit out

i would but how the hell do i know ur telling me the truf?

You can have Justin watch me at home, and you can harass me daily to motivate me to stay clean. :excited

Nicole you always say you will quit

I did quit last time I said I would, but I did it for the wrong reason last time so it didn’t stick.

Nicole’s emo for life. She’ll smoke until she dies…in like 4 years.


I think she just gave you permission to spy on her and watch her in the shower to make sure she doesnt sneak one

when I was 13 I used to smoke in the shower before school all the time