PnR tomorrow night?

Just got home@1am, nice meeting the people that I talked to!

Cossey, nice chatting w/you, hope you enjoyed the ride@min boost:ninja

Nice meeting ya finally Trav! And the PnR is alright, im not 100% sure if ill be goin back up though. No real good spot to run, and the lot is a bit dark. On a positive, the people there were mad cool, nice cars, and no drama.

yeah, it was my first time at the PnR too, i liked the “exclusiveness” of it but not the fact that it was dark, removed from everything (we all know what i mean) and there was no mcdonalds :lol

Nice meeting you too man! Chill guy for sure. I agree, it’s too dark there but all in all still a decent time.

I brought food, and ate it all, hah. Actually going to eat now nom nom

For some reason i pictured the PnR like a scenic type area, almost like a thatchers park kinda place. Kinda funny, but idk why lol.

There is a nice little pond deal in the back, heh. Again it’d be perfect with some nice lighting. To me, if people wanted to race, they could just go to the ext. from there, but then again driving from PnR to the ext is NOTHING to me, heh.

When you have people like Adam running race gas all the time a 20 mins drive is moneh :lol

last night was weird there…usually all those other cars arent there that late, and usually the parking lot stays lit up…I dont know what was going on with the lights, they kept comming on and off…

Usually its a big open parking lot at night thats well lit up.

on a side note, Me and paul played a little bit…

and our girlfriends exchanged numbers…guess their friends now lol

Girls do that it’s weird. Insta-friends.

Ryan did you ever show up last night?
We were only there for maybe an hour or so, pretty much saw anyone I would care to though.

I hope everyone enjoyed my ricer exit… LOL

He was there for a lil bit, you missed him…

Dude your boost controller blew up my supercharger :banghead

I want my 30 back asshat

My exact words: “Oh, he’s driving normal… no. Nevermind.”

Rofl! It was a little sketchy getting on to the northway at 100… Haha

I already spent the money on hookers and blow. I got a better deal than Cossey… Haha

Jim forgets to mention his hooker was dead and he was snorting lines off her ass.

your car sounds sooo sick.