Point System?

What do the infraction points mean, and what do the break down to?
i.e. what infraction is worth what amount of points.
Also how many points are you allowed before a certain consequence is handed out?
i.e. 2points=3 day ban, or 4=10 day ban. (Just an example)

I got 2 points for my old sig with no ban :shrug:

I was not saying that was what they are worth, just asking if that is how it will break down.

I know, I was just saying that I’m guessing they don’t always=ban.


where exactly under User CP can you find your infraction points?


does that thing only show up if you receive infractions? mine only shows new subscribed threads

8 points and you get a 3 day ban.

when you get an infraction that shows up, and you also get a PM that notifies you about it too (IIRC)

do points go away? i got no warning or anything, all of a sudden i got 5 points no sig no avatar :confused: :confused:

Once it’ gets taken away it needs to be reactivated to show up. PM one of the mods.

i PM’ed accided2boost, he wasnt sure. RX3 issued the points and wont anwser my PM’s

probably because he isn’t a mod anymore :gotme:


Damn. Why so many changes in the ranks? Rx3 always seemed miserably anyway, nonetheless he was a decent mod I think.