wtf man?
wtf man
wtf man…no?..too far?
There is a new point/infraction system in place. There will be an announcement once it is tweaked and worked out. The stage it is in now may cause a little riff with certain people, but if you feel as though you have lost any privilege, check your user CP and see what infractions you have. If there are a one or a few, then that is why. If there are none, then feel free to PM me or another member of the staff and we will look into the issue.
I will not air any ones personal business in public.
omg! i don’t have one either! this must be a mistake!
oh yeahh :meh:
This needed a thread? A pm would have been sufficient.
wtf man?
what a bunch of nazis!!! we should start our own forum! lol
If you wish to purchase and please contact me…
Ugh, no avatar and sig for 2 points? really? :picard: = “Sorry, ‘www. nomoreotonnyspeedbuymestartyourownforumcontactlz .com’ does not exist or is not available.”