police brutality?

Why don’t you take your skirt off, Sally? How long have you been here? Stop making stupid posts and I will stop making fun of you for making dumb posts. Deal?

Seems enough by itself to indicate that the protestors weren’t the innocent victims they were made out to be, no? Since this guy was there, witnessing the events in real time, I think his input carries alot more value than yours- being that like me, you’re only able to comment on the events from far away, and the information you’ve received has been filtered and edited by the sources you’ve received it from.

Another brilliant statement! There were thousands of protesters in hundreds of groups protesting dozens of different issues, but let’s group them all together as protesters and then blame them all for the actions of a tiny portion of the whole group.

That is simple minded and stupid.

If this girl had been vandalizing, then she should have been arrested.

She wasnt.

If she was defying police orders to disperse, she could have been arrested.

However, as can be seen in the video, the police were using unnecessary violence and force to achieve their directive. The immediate group of protesters they were dispersing were not violent and were not destroying property and were attempting to comply with police orders. The police should never be the perpetrators of violence. In this case they obviously were. It only makes it worse that the victim was an unarmed, petite female.