I’m at Alioto’s full-time now. The money is better.
$7.25/hour, plus $1.50 per delivery (delivery fee), plus an average of about $3.40 per delivery, on an average of 25 deliveries per day, six days a week (I used to work seven).
Variable A (Wage) = $7.25/hr * 70 hr/wk = $507.50/wk
Variable B (Delivery Commission) = $1.50/del * 125 del/wk (25 del * 6 days) = $187.50
Variable C (Tips) = $3.40/del * 125 del/wk (25 del * 6 days) = $425
A + B + C = $1120 per week
This DOES NOT take into account huge days like Steelers games, Penguins games, Holidays, et cetera (where I can have as many as 45 deliveries).
However, I also spend a decent amount of money on gas ($80-100 per week).
These numbers can be reproduced by anyone willing to work a lot of hours at a fairly busy shop in a half decent neighborhood. My hourly wage is a little higher than most shops, but I’ve had a raise every time they’ve rehired me. $5/hr is normal for most shops.
See above math.