police brutality?

Most of the guys I’ve worked with the last few years have been older than me. They have “grown-up” jobs like teaching high school or working for the post office, but they make significantly more money delivering pizza.

Before I took on the amount of hours I have now, I was nearly $60k in debt. Two years ago.

I have no debt today and my car has been paid off since February.

Do I wish I was doing something with my scholastic aptitude? Certainly. I was always 99th percentile, 1510 SAT (When it was out of 1600), et cetera… but I’d like to own some property before I go back to school. Better to be comfortable and work as little as possible while in school than to bust my ass and half-ass my schoolwork (as I did last semester).

Where the fuck is Hopewell?

The North Hills is apparently greater than it. $120 is an average day.

And that is why you’re ghetto filth.