police brutality?

petty faggorts

so ur that mad you went to shit i heard in 2nd grade?.. haha… stop grinding ur teeth and clenching ur fists and admit i called you out and this was the best u could comeback with…

Called me out on what? I’m intelligent, I did a lot of dumb shit as a kid, and I make a decent amount of money at a less than adult job. Where am I “called out”?


Hopewell is by the airport and ya your right, probably not nearly as much business as North Hills because its mostly all farms. That wasn’t where I was delivering though… it was Robinson Township. I never worked full time delivering… just week nights and full days on the weekends, never made even close to that though… plus I claimed my tips like your supposed to

i could claim i ran a 10.80 et and someone is gonna ask for slips… lets see them SAT papers Mr. Intelligent…


I used to deliver pizza. Think of it this way - Most places don’t pay the driver per delivery, just an hourly wage. Tips are relied on. I look at it this way: you should tip 15% at a sit-down restaurant, and the server walks to you. Delivery drivers should get a minimum of 15% considering they have to drive it to your lazy ass, risk damage to their car on their way to and from your front door, as well as gas, since most places will not pay for fuel.

Since this thread turned into the politics of pizza delivery and all.

how is any of that the customers problem… thats the shops issue, not the customer. the customer is paying for a pizza to get there, all those other issues are none of my concern. If the weather is cold and/or its raining i will tip better but its still doesnt change the fact that delivering pizza is the pizza guys job…why should he get an extra pat on the back for doing what someone is paying him to do? how does ordering a pizza make you a lazy ass? do you pay someone to fix your car? do you pay someone to cut ur hair? its a service just like any other.

A pizza delivery driver goes in to this knowing he/she is going to use their car and pay for their gas. It is not up to the consumer to pay for that cost. The tip is for the service itself, not the upkeep and insurance for the vehicle.
Funny, too, is that I’d bet the vast majority of pizza drivers are not properly insured for their car. Average insurance does NOT cover using your car for the actual work.
All in all, having also delivered pizzas before, if you want to be truly LEGAL about everything, including insurance, you are NOT making that much money.

ummmm, you’re supposed to tip the person cutting your hair.

Haha… Sure. Let me dig up my records from 1998.

I don’t care if you think I’m bullshitting you. I’m sure it can be ascertained from my five years of posts that my grammar and spelling are indicative of a reasonable amount of intelligence. Some Pittspeeders attended high school with me; I’m sure it would be thrown in my face if I was making things up.

yes and i do…but im not worried if they accidently cut their finger off in the process.

i still have my school records… i dont think that was an unreasonable request.

Grammar and spelling don’t show intelligence, it shows disipline or use of spell check. Comprehension of concepts and theories, critical thinking and creativity show intelligence.

LOL apparantly you havent found that spell check button yet.

hmmm pizza

yes cause i dont care to spell correctly for pittspeed…im not getting paid or graded. i knew one person would try too hard and find a grammatical error.


I still havent got my pizza!!

My pizza delivery job can beat up your pizza delivery job!

Did someone mention Pizza

I offered! Several times!
