checking in,

16 blues over the course of this beautiful night. :tup:


Im polush. i power drank like amotherfukcer tonight! checking in. or something :tup:


you were hammered by 9 lol

wooot its 536 and i got to punch someone in the back of the head repeatidly and got to be friends after and then i got to drink like a mother fucker

im bombed

man theres alot of polish on nyspeed, where are my irish brothers??


man theres alot of polish on nyspeed, where are my irish brothers??


how about a poll on ethnicity??


how about a poll on ethnicity??


Sounds good. Lets do it up.



exactly… what fox said

Irish, Polish, German, and English.:beer2:
I don’t drink a lot, but I get bombed when I go all out. Fun times.

yo yo drunk again for the sabres game woot woot big win we needed it

3 beers post work, then 3 sobofucko’s at sushi bar, 6 during the sabres and 2 redbulls after… yoowweee im in Mn


3 beers post work, then 3 sobofucko’s at sushi bar, 6 during the sabres and 2 redbulls after… yoowweee im in Mn


alcohol and red bull is not a good mix. most likely to cause heart attack… alcohol is a depressant which slows your heart down. and red bull causes the heart to speed up, brain runs the heart and dont know whether to speed up or slow down untill finally it quits. Learned that today in CJ

die by the sword live by the sword, alchy for life fagz

^^^^^ so true


^^^^^ so true



6 pitchers of beer, then a cold long walk home


whose drinking tonight as well as every other night

I am very much polish, but I’m not drunk yet.

im polish, where the hell bar do you get polish food from, is it good?/real