Free Wings @ Kelsey's This Thursday After 4 PM

Tipping is weird business. I find a few places where I would like to tip they don’t really insist on a ip, it’s like it’s gotta be forced upon them and negotiated. Others take a tip without asking by just not giving any change back. $40 for a $22 meal does not mean an $18 tip is going your way it’s not the ritz; I hate chasing for change back from them and tipping appropriately. The thing that gets me livid is the snake that works at places like Tims. You give him 1.50 for an order that is 1.30 and he just slams the till and refuses to look you in the eye because he’s a snake that is trying to pocket money from the till. Not cool. I hav also been somewhere where tipping was an insult to their service. Fricken weird stuff sometimes, more so now than before.