
anyone here voting???

i sure as hell am not, unless my mom wants me to vote her way.

canadian politics may affect us all, but it is just as bad no matter who wins. tehy will all raise taxes, wont fix insurance and make us pay more for school and healthcare.

i am more interested to see if America is stupid enough to vote bush back in.

if they do, i will clap and laugh my face apart when a nuke goes off on american soil.

in fact i would love to assist Al Queda and harbour their terrorist cells in my very home. they can even borrow my car.

heck, i’ll drive them across the border even…


woah, woah, woah, bing…i really liked your post until you started bad talking MY role model, george bush :x . lol and then harbouring terrorists?..youre not seriously serious, you cant dislike him that much. i can see why people dont like pres. bush, but i absolutely love the man :smiley: .

Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there”…la la la la la la…

Yeah, what the hell Bing?

I don’t think Bush is a bad president at all. I’m glad he did what he did. mulrooneyryan we must be the only two Canadians (are you American?) who think so. Prepare to be grilled alive btw. Before you guys start: shut up, I don’t care.

But as far as this country is concerned… after working for my MP (CA party) I am sick to death of how this country is run, and there really isn’t anything you can do about it because people are stupid. That’s all there is to it - stupid people. I don’t know if I’m going to vote - actually… yeah I do, I’m going to vote Harper.

no, im not american YET. and yes the grilling will come when you believe in something, haha. this thread should just be locked, we know we are right, and thats all that there is to know 8) . j/k guys, grill away!

Eh, I wanted to become and American at one point. They are just as screwed up as us. Not worth it.

I dunno how much time you have spent there, but the USA feels old and busted. Like you are in a slummy part of town… only it’s everywhere. Maybe it’s just me. Washington state is nice… all the others I have been to… bleh, and I live in Windsor. :?

Any leader you can make fun of is alright in my books

Bush is a complete newb. Even Kerry is a better choice. And that’s saying something.

the USA feels old and busted

i know exactly what you mean, detroit give me a odd feeling, like im always on edge, whatching my back or something. kentucky, maine and louisiana are nice though. i guess with that many people you are always going to have your good areas and you bad ones.

who gives a shit who wins. You should vote for who you think is the least dumbass. You have the right to vote and you should use it. Don’t ever say your vote is useless, cause if enough people say that, retards like Mike Harris get voted back in. Also I like to vote for people in power at them moment, cause ussually people will vote for different people, if other people think like me we may get a minority government. Your vote is important so don’t say it isn’t.

As for Bush he is the only one that will have any balls to fight terrorism and he should be voted back in. If it wasn’t for the US protected NA we would be fucked. It pisses me off when Canadians don’t support the US. They are the people that will help us out when we are in trouble and they are allies.


Fuck no, Kerry would be the worst thing to happen :roll: Man you guys need to brush up on politics.

he and his father are the CAUSE of terrorism.

a very significant amount of the Bin laden’s wealth came from the Bush’s.

the Bin Laden’s were the only family allowed to fly in the US on sept. 11. they were flown OUT of the U.S.

Rumsfled, Wolfivitz (<spelling) and Bush senior put Sadam into power, gave him the money and set him loose (AS AN ALLY).

The money


military casualties


AH those innocent civilians…


obviously this isnt as bad as vietnam as far as death counts which were approximately 58,000 US soldiers alone.

but after the US pulls out on Iraq and leaves the task embarrassingly uncompleted, will you still support Bush?

please rent “the Fog of War” and know that Robert Mcnamara was more powerful than rumsfeld is and listen to what he says about previous american wars. Then know that the same secrets and conversations are going on now.

Bush is uneducated, unrespected by his peers and a complete farse of a president. Never has a president come under such public scrutiny for his ‘political’ actions as a president.

he deserves to be assissinated and so does rumsfeld and wolfivitz. If they were killed, the score would STILL not be even.

and yes, i am looking forward to the next terrorist attack on the US. i hope it is a good one.

Bing it’s nice to see so much enthusisam, and involvement in world politics, but can you honestly use the US Government’s mistakes as an aliby to kill thousands of innocent people?

You have a lot of the facts, but not all of them. Sadam Hussein was aided in the Iran - Iraq war, a time when the old U.S.S.R backed Iran and the US backed Iraq. Then history turned to be a bitch, 20 years later, Iran becomes an “apparent” supoporter of the US, the U.S.S.R no longer exists and Iraq is now in conflict with everybody. The US supported and aided a lot of countries, some of them remained allies and some turned on them, and this will continue for years to come, maybe one day France will attack the U.S and then everyone will blame Churchhill for helping them in the WWs

Bin Laden was supported by the US in order to fight one of many rebellions, then he turned, as well as many others. Politics are retarded, some sap gets elected on empty promises then he has to make decisions, some are good some are bad… today’s friends become tommorrows enemies and a lot of innocent people die because of it.

Politics and terrorism are two separate things, in politics governments try to achieve some goal, wether it is liberation, gain of land, oil etc… i

These terrorists acts are driven by ethnical and religious hatered, what caused these emotions is really not important at this point, because these attacks will not cease untill one of the two sides is shut down.

Bush’s abilities are questionable by some, and accepted by others, but wether Bush or any other Joe Schmo is in power, one thing will stay true, these attacks won’t stop, innocent people on all sides will continue to die and someone will allways have to be held responsible.

Not to mention that underneath all of the scandals, conspiracies, trials and attacks, the only reason the US was ever involved in any of the Middle Eastern disputes is OIL.


I agree with all except that Dre. Right now they arn’t doing it for oil. In the past, maybe, but not now. Check how much this war costs the US per day. They have spent billions fighting this war. They will never make that amount back in oil.


The US has nearly drained it’s own petrolium deposits, and is desperately looking for a resource that can be tapped almost exclusivley. The US’s presence in Iraq wiull give them “authority” over the deposits there.

I don’t have the time right now to go into full details (i’m in the middle of a lecture… LOL!)

but i’ll elaborate later on



what could it be besides oil?

certainly not democracy, that is a ridiculous notion.

it was about oil for Bush senior. then clinton came along and there was nothign about Iraq or Saddam…

but all of a sudden bush jr. steps in and here we go again.

no weapons of mass destruction, a supposed link to terrorism (no more than the US’s) and no real cause to fight for… except oil.

and i agree, that the revenue derived from oil could not really make this profitable unless oil prices continue to rise and rise

As for Bush he is the only one that will have any balls to fight terrorism and he should be voted back in. If it wasn’t for the US protected NA we would be f**ked. It pisses me off when Canadians don’t support the US. They are the people that will help us out when we are in trouble and they are allies.

all i have to say about this, is i love this guy, well said. :smiley:

and bing, i think that even you know that what you wrote was streching the truth, and that you were bending it to prove your point. :twisted: it makes me uncontrolably angry when i read your posts on this topic… :wink:

What people forget is how intelligent and disciplined the terrorists were and are.


we would NOT be at all. In fact that was Chretien’s only good move in my books. deferentiating canada from the US so that it is clear that we are removed from their targets.

there is no reason to attack canada, NONE.

we dont kill civilians the wolrd over, we dont intrude militarily in other countries business, we dont demand them to forfeit their oil, beliefs, culture, history. we dont do any of these things and then change our minds when it benefits us.

can you think of one thing to gain by attacking canada? if you thought for hours you would not come up with a single venue for an attack that would cause nearly the damage it would in LA, texas, NY, disneyworld. etc. etc. etc.

why would Al-Queda spend millions of dollars and years of planning to attack insignificant targets in a country that does not oppress them and does not support America’s war against them?

…simply because they are evil, dirty, brown, idiots with guns???

…always have respect for the enemy…

as for the US helping us, canada will not be in a position to NEED american help. if by chance we did need assistance it would come from europe as far as money and military assistance…which again wont happen anyways.

the only way America would really assits us is if we continue to open up our econimies to american business and dilute our own culture with american money, influence and television.

if you think that we need to support the US or we will be fukked… go to school. seriously… that is so f’ing stupid i cant even stop shaking with frustration.

no offense meant personally, it is a common perception. what is neglected is the realization that the rest of the world is opposed to the US. they risk Nuclear war with korea and china. they are at serious odds with all of Europe.

look what is happening to Tony Blair for supporting Bush. this should give you a good idea of where supporting the US gets you.

Even american politicians will admit that the US is not as powerful as it was. It is universally accepted that Asia is where are the growth will be in years to come.

hundereds of thousands of american jobs leave for asia every year. sweat-shop or not it weakens NA and strengthens Asia.

nearly 3/4 of the worlds population exists in Asia, and America went to war with them in vietnam, japan etc.

know that the US is in decline.

put yourself in the shoes of every other leader in the world, then tell me we should support the US.

I love the argument
?? As if ‘terror’ is just a few guys you need to hunt down and kill. Why doesn’t america fight ‘terror’ in it’s own country first. If you can’t find a criminal right away, drop a “MOAB” (mother of all bombs …) on his general area and hope you got him.

OK there, Texas. And why not try to bring democracy by blowing up all their centers of free speech? Oh wait … already done.

I think this sums up Bush: We’re going to bring you guys democracy, and I don’t care WHAT you think! Oh yeah, and in a week or two. :roll:

Read up on Slate, I think that has the most fair comparisons.