Who will you Vote for?

Guys i know the Canadian Elections are coming soon, who will yo all vote for.

I know i’ve heard there planning crazy shit like Carbon taxes, I know im not voting for that bastard because from what i heard it might put Ontario in a bad spot. and i have a bad feeling that there next step is to Tax vehicles for there carbon produced.

one party is putting more cops on the street, which is bad. but good , theres been 3 Drivebys Today ALONE on the news. maybe they should give up there money grabbin Blitz’s , and actually get guns off the streets!

who are you guys voting for and why? i still dont know because im not following too much but I do think its important because i know these ppl Will affect ALL of us one way or another.

they’re all fools who dont care for the better of the country, they just make promises as per what will get them in office.

i dont know who i’ll vote for, since you can tell that I’m not exactly fond of politicians, but I live in a country where I get that freedom to vote, and I’m not going to take it for granted.

I’m not fond of people who don’t vote… There is always SOMEONE who fits most of your views, and I mean… We could be a dictatorship, but we’re not. We have the freedom to vote, why not?

‘Hey Bob, who you gonna vote for?’ ‘Dave! Dave, woah, woah woah. Take it easy. So I was fuckin my wife in her ass, right? And let me tell you, it was something else.’ ‘Yeah yeah, but who are you gonna vote for?’ ‘DAVE! Dave, come on with the voting! I’m trying to tell you about fucking my wife in the ass, and you’re asking me all these personal questions.’ "

the worst thing that people do when it comes to voting is voting for conservatives, they fuck u in so much ways. yeah liberal’s is the way to go.

libers = carbon taxes.

oh ya, and its lead by a frenchie.

If there is one thing I have learned about voting and politics it’s to not even bother voting. No matter who wins, no one will do anything for you other then make things worse then they were. They all say one thing and another.

I would vote for the guy who goes on TV and tells the nations that he will do nothing other then collect our tax dollars and do nothing more then make our lives worse then they are today. I would seriously vote for that guy just because of his honesty.

LMAO!!! thats jokes

Are you even old enough to Vote? j/k.

There aren’t any obvious parties to vote for. However I believe the Conservatives are the lesser of the evils.
I have 2 young childern & since Harper has come to power we have receive and extra $100 month each child (thats $2400/yr)
Anyone else remember paying 7% GST just a couple years ago?
Like I said there is no obvious choice. I don’t care who anyone else votes for but make sure it is for your own opinion (not to follow who your parents vote for)
And remember if you don’t vote, you Can’t complain!

i cant vote for the liberals because Dion pisses me of, he just looks like a whiny little bitch

^^ LMAO Even the French don’t like him lol… I’m usually a liberal voter, but it’s gonna be Green or NDP this year. Either one is very able to win a minorety, and at the least they should keep the Conservatives from winning again, at least in a majority… Harper is the devil. Look at him, he looks like a child molester… And Dion is a boob.

not voting. it doesnt matter.

i know im not going liberals and isn`t it illegal to ask who your voting for?..
i think im going green seeing how i dont care who wins as long as its not liberals still kinda unsure.

I’ve never given a shit in my life about our elections before this year. Since some shows I watch (Heroes, Prison Break) have come back on the air, I’ve been forced to sit through a few commercials as well. I have to say, never before has someone done such a great job of making me hate them than Harper.
What the fuck is up with his ad campaign? I’ve never seen a single ad that actually says wtf he plans to do. They’re all anti-Dion ads. To me, this says: “I’m a morally bankrupt douche that has nothing to contribute, so I’ll just bag on my opponent.”
I have no respect for any of the candidates as usual, but I want to see Harper fail so badly, that not only am I voting Lib, I’m going to ask everyone I know to vote Lib.

Agreed, I can’t stand smear campaigns… They all do it… What a waste of time and money… Its like watching a bunch of grade 5’ers argue about who gets to stand in the front of the line. Tattle tale tattle tale… he did this, she did that… who f’n cares, just do your jobs properly and get on with it.

I’m starting to think that dictatorship is better than this mess.

“If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.”

Conservative. +1 to lowering my taxes. Along with some other reasons…


Voting is for fools… its the illusion of being able to have an effect on the cause of our problems. Wake up, you vote doesn’t mean SHIT.

if I had to vote for anyone it would be green party…

registering to vote gets your name on the jury list