So just wondering how everyone is going to vote on the 23rd? is everyone hating the liberal party because of the sponsorship scandel? cause they are gettin bent over in the polls which really worries me because i really dont like harper or belive in his style,
Hate the liberals with a passion. I don’t know if its agreeing mostly with what conservatives are saying, but rather just opposing the Liberals. We are going to lose because the government waits hand and foot for Ontario but mostly Quebec, unfortunetly where most of Canada’s population is. A few guys I worked with came all from Ontario and could notice a huge difference on how things were run over here then in Ontario. Pretty much anything they wanted he told me, the government would pay for. Great!! Where the hell do millions of dollars of oil revenue go to, stuff we’ll never see. Alberta seperate with BC and Sask!!!
I’d vote for that.
maybe seperate with BC but sask?? what do they have? haha. yah ontario has it going pretty good and yes since they have the population base of canada they make the choice, but still you never know this election will be werid. not to mention that i bet the voter turn out will be lower than any election in the past 10 yrs since they shouldn’t have called an election
Where is the choice for the Alberta Alliance???
Quebec is going to eventually spererate so we better get a head start on ours.
Harper wants Canada to go back in time. Back out of Kyoto like Bush did, waste billions of dollars on missile defense, scrap work the government has done on child care and with aboriginals.
Those are not steps I want to see Canada take.
But the Liberals need to go. We need to purge the government side of the house. I believe in many of their policies, but the “culture of entitlement” needs to stop.
The NDP don’t even try in Alberta. They write the province off. The candidates are weak and so are their campaigns. I’m not going to vote for a party who clearly doesn’t care if it gets my vote.
The Green party actually has a very good platform. Not that they would actually ever form the government, but they seem fiscally responsible, even more so than the NDP.
EDIT: Before calling them a bunch of hippies, check out their platform. The party name kind of wrecks their credibility IMO.
How did I vote? Liberal. My MP is Peter Goldring, who I can’t stand. IMO, he’s a gay-bashing bigot. I voted Liberal in hopes of getting Goldring out of his seat. Nicole Martel seems like a very strong candidate, so I overlooked what her party has down and voted for her.
I thought the Western Block was going to run more candidates, but I guess the leader pissed a bunch of potential candidates off and they quit the party.
BTW, I don’t think the Alberta Alliance is a separatist party.
I’m voting conservative. I am tired of the liberal’s and their policy of entitelments. Mr. Martin is the guy who steals your money, gives you back some of it in the form of rebates and then stands back and says look how nice I am. Gay marrige? I am not gay so it doesn’t affect me either way.Platforms, we all know that the politicians lie,make promises they are aware they cannot keep but always have an excuse for. The GST is a good example. The liberals used it as a campaign promise that it would be abolished. Everyone cheered. Then when it came down to it all of a sudden it wasn’t fiscally possible. Canada is one of the most taxed countries in the world, WTF does the governemnt need another 7% for? Better first class flights for their friends, that’s what. So their children can have the best schooling your money can buy.
A man named Paul bought a donkey from an old farmer for $100.00. The
farmer agreed to deliver the donkey the next day. When the farmer drove up
the next day, he said, “Sorry son, but I have some bad news…the donkey is
on my truck, but he’s dead.” Paul replied, “Well then, just give me my
money back.” The farmer said, “I Can’t do that. I went and spent it
already.” Paul said, “OK then, just unload the donkey anyway”. The farmer
asked, “What are ya gonna do with him?” Paul said, “I’m going to raffle him
off.” To which the farmer exclaimed, “You can’t raffle off a dead donkey!”
But Paul, with a big smile on his face, said, “Sure I can. Watch me. I
just won’t tell anybody that he’s dead.”
A month later the farmer met up with Paul and asked, “What happened with
that dead donkey?” Paul said, “I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at
two dollars a piece and made a profit of $698.00.” Totally amazed, the
farmer asked, “Didn’t anyone complain that you had stolen their money
because you lied about the donkey being dead?” And Paul replied, “The only
guy who found out about the donkey being dead was the raffle winner, when
he came to claim his prize. So I gave him his $2 back plus $200 extra,
which is double the going value of a donkey, so he thought I was a great
guy.” Paul grew up and eventually became the Prime Minister of Canada, and
no matter how many times he lied or how much money he stole from Canadian
voters, as long as he gave them back some of the stolen money, most of them
thought he was a great guy.
Support organized crime, vote liberal!!
I agree with your points about the Librals needing to get out, and the NDP having a non-existant platform.
It was Clinton who signed the Kyoto accord without ratifying with congress. Unlike Canada, there are some checks on the Presidents power. So the US was never actually “in” on the Kyoto accord. It just happened that Bush was president when it came time to ratify, and it didn’t go through.
And personally, I don’t think there should be any provisions for Native Americans, although I don’t recall Stephen Harper talking about that.
And lets be honest. Adscam was peanuts. A million and change? Please, that’s nothing. The real scam is the gun registry, and almost every other half baked waste of money they come up with. Remember when they said it would cost 2 million, and the tab is currently at 2 billion and counting? The Liberals are just plain crooks, and Adscam is just the most criminal use of tax money that we know of.
Anyways, I’m voting Conservative. haha.
Not quite, more like over 100 million. And I agree about the gun registry. What a fucking abortion.
The adscam could have even been up to $250 million. Nobody really knows at this point.
I think calling Paul Martin a thief is wrong though. I beleive Judge Gomery in that Martin had no knowledge of the scandal going on in a separate department. Yes, he was finance minister but that doesnt mean he knows exacty whose hands every dollar goes to.
Here’s something I wrote a few months ago:
So since 1995 when the sponsorship program began until it was cancelled when Paul Martin became the Prime Minister about $1,275,000,000,000 was spent by the federal government.
Now there are estimates on how much money was actually misappropriated by the program, but $100 million seems to be one commonly used. It could be up to $300 million I guess, but for these purposes we’ll say $100M.
That means that for every $12,750 that was spent by the Liberals (Martin was finance minister throughout the entire life of the sponsorship program) about $1 went illegally into the pockets of some ad exec or liberal party supporter.
$1 for every $12,750? Pretend you make $60,000 a year and you are in charge of keeping track of all your money. Over the eight years the program ran you would have made $480,000.
Over that time period how hard would it be to lose about $38? About $5 a year… I think it would be pretty easy to oversee a loss of that much.
I am just sick of hearing people say he HAD to know about this. Also, it’s not like the money was just disappeaing. It was being diverted to the sponsorship program, so it probably all looked good on paper on Martin’s side.
I was going to vote Liberal, but not I’m not quite as sure. I hate Harper’s policies and his morality stances on some social issues (let’s keep religion out of government as much as possible, mmkay?), but voting Liberals in as the official opposition really won’t get anything done either.
I guess I just have to decide if a vote for the NDP is a wasted vote or not. Oh well, I guess I have until the 23rd to make my mind up.
Oh, and to the Liberal-haters, I don’t really consider myself a Lib per se, but the majoity of the people involved in ad-scam have already been either fired or fined and the Libs have paid a million dollars back from their own personal party coffers, something that’s never been done before in the history of the country. So keep your mind at least somewhat open to what’s being said by them.
Of course, who am I kidding - people here will vote conservative simply because people tell them to.
The US didn’t sign Kyoto because it was fiscaly irresponsable, and economic suicide! The US has actually reduced emissions while Canada has done nothing and as a result we are going to have to pay Russia for gas credits while they don’t do anything different. And I believe the US was going to take care of the cost of the missle defense system.
Any way I got this email the other day, I believe it was writin before the last fedral election. I agree with him and I feel I should post it. He’s not alone there are a lot of fed up people out here
My name is Alan Robberstad I am a Canadian. One voter out of millions
Canadian voters.
Paul Martin is no friend of mine. Liberal governments have not made my
any better. Liberal governments have made the future worse for my
Jean Chretien and the Liberal Party became Prime Minister many years
Guess who was the Liberal Finance Minister…Paul Martin…LEST WE
Since 1993:
(1) My taxes have increased.
(2) My family’s share of the national debt has increased.
(3) My personal expenses have increased.
(4) My waiting time to see a doctor has increased.
(5) My concerns for my family’s safety have increased.
(6) My costs to educate my children have increased.
(7) Government interference in my life has increased.
8) My personal debt has increased.
(9) My income has stayed more or less the same.
(10) My savings have decreased.
(11) The buying power of my dollar, in Canada, has decreased.
(12) The value of my dollar, in the U.S., has decreased.
(13) My trust of elected officials has decreased.
(14) My trust in the justice system has decreased.
(15 )My trust in the immigration system has decreased.
(16) My hope that a Liberal won’t waste my tax dollars has decreased.
(17 )My dreams for a better future for my kids, in Canada, have
That is my story since the Liberals came to power.
I am not voting for Paul Martin’s Liberals. I am voting against Paul
and his Liberal Party in January.
I am voting for Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party.
Do I like the Conservatives? Not particularly…I don’t really like
Politics. I am not political by nature. I am not passionate about
I am a middle age guy 48). I live in a small house on a fairly quiet
in Edmonton. I have a wife, Kathy, and two children (ages 19 and 17). I
no pets. I am a middle class man. I don’t usually say too much.
Until now.
Now I am going to say something!
In 35 of the past 37 years, Canada has been ruled by:
(1) Pierre Trudeau - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
(2) Brian Mulroney - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
(3) Jean Chretien - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
(4) And now we are going to vote for Paul Martin??? - a
lawyer from Quebec???
The leader of the Conservative party, Stephen Harper, is:
(1) Not a lawyer.
(2) Not a multi-millionaire.
(3) Not from Quebec.
Stephen Harper says that the Conservative party will:
(1) Reduce my taxes.
(2) Pay off the national debt as fast as they can.
(3) Shrink the size and influence of the federal government.
That’s good enough for me. I’m going to give the Conservative party a
with my vote.
But wait! Paul Martinis now saying the same thing. My mother told me
years ago: “Fool me once - shame on you. Fool me twice - shame on me!”
The Liberals have had 34 years to be financially responsible. Remember,
Chretien was Trudeau’s Finance Minister. Remember also, Paul Martin was
Chretien’s Finance Minister These people have been raising my taxes for
thirty four years. They have been mis-spending my tax dollars for 34
34 years!
And now Paul Martin says he’ll stop taxing and spending. No way.
Thank you for reading my story so far!
Why am I telling my story to you?
Although I feel alone, I know that I am not alone. Your story may be
to mine. And you may also feel alone. One small voter in the midst of
millions of voters.
What can you and I do together to change things?
Here is my idea: Lets you and I join up together. Just you and I.
As a small team of two.
How can you and I fight a huge political machine?
You and I have two things that we can use:
(1) Our individual personal connections.
(2) The Internet.
The Internet is supposed to be this globalizing tool, right? Let’s put
it to
I have 27 Canadians in my personal e-mail address book. I am sending
e-mail to each of them.
I’m asking you to do two things:
(1) Forward this e-mail to every Canadian in your own address book.
(2) Vote against Paul Martin and the Liberal Party in January of next
Vote for the Conservative candidate in your riding.
I have probably written this e-mail too late. As I said I am not
adroit. I feel like Peter Finch, in the 1976 movie “Network”, when he
shouted: “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!”
Please, forward the e-mail RIGHT NOW!!
I hope the Internet is as fast as some people claim it is.
This may not work. This e-mail may “fizzle out” and go nowhere. But you
I will have tried, won’t we have?
My best wishes to you. My best wishes to Canadians everywhere.
My thanks to David Stokes from Toronto He actually wrote this just (5)
before the last federal election. Fool me once - shame on you. Fool me
- shame on me!"
Alan Robberstad Edmonton, Alberta .
Well I’m voting Conservative because I pay taxes and have experienced the “real world” I work hard for my money. Some one told me a quote the other day about socialism only works in heaven and hell. In heaven they don’t need it and hell they all ready have it
Interesting statement. Considering the Liberals are only here to support the east side of Canada!! More money has been filtered out of Alberta to go into Ontario but mostly Quebec. While tons of Quebecers are not bitching all the time, some are, and because we believe in a “United Canada” they get their way. I have nothing against French people and am not racist by any means, so don’t call me that! Moreover, I could take this all the way back to the war when Britian beat France for Canada. Still to this day, how is the losing side of a war taking advantage of our government? I have a feeling that the old-time Quebecers were calling descrimination, Canada was crying about it, said “we aren’t descriminating, here is money to prove it!”
What has Martin honestly accomplished to benefit Canada since he has been in office? Our last and current Prime Ministers have been nothing but a push-over to the United States. More could have been done to help farmer’s when the Mad Cow Crisis, interest free loans, are you fucking kidding me?! Same with the lumber tariffs. How the hell is Martin being a little baby and letting this shit happen. Gun registry? What the fuck was he thinking? He’s spent billions of dollars, and not even half of Canada’s guns are accounted for. “well at the time it seemed like a good idea” is what I’m sure he’s thinking. Too bad all your luxury trips have been paid for courtesy of everyone on this fucking board. While your at it Martin, raise GST to 8%, that why you and all your buddies can stay in Los Cabos about a month longer.
The only reason Quebec didn’t seperate is because they realized that there is no hope in hell they could survive without the West spoon feeding them money to help support them. How does a province with the most money per capita and no debt get told what to do and listen? Ralph Klein is a boozer and hasn’t made all the right choices. However, I think he has made a better Alberta all together and honestly feels/ knows we are getting taken advantage of. Furthermore, with a Liberal government in power for the last two decades ( pretty sure!) what can he do about it? Get the Liberals the hell outta there. Thats why I’m voting Conservative! And I’m done hahahha :partyman:
New Direction,
Excellent email and thanks. I have a great email that was sent to me about Paul Martin, but its a power point download and I cannot post it. I’ll send it to whoever wants to see it, just add your email on here on or MSN me at .
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Too bad we have been fooled three times and if the east gets their way, it’ll be four!
I thought the Western Block was going to run more candidates, but I guess the leader pissed a bunch of potential candidates off and they quit the party.
BTW, I don’t think the Alberta Alliance is a separatist party.[/quote]
Yes i thought they would have mroe candidates. But i guess not.
The Alberta Alliance is not a big seperatist party like the block but one of their goals listed on the site is to become totaly independent (economicly, socialy) EVENTUALLY.
There is alot we need to do before it becomes feasable. ex Police, defence and more.b
Interesting statement. Considering the Liberals are only here to support the east side of Canada!! More money has been filtered out of Alberta to go into Ontario but mostly Quebec. While tons of Quebecers are not bitching all the time, some are, and because we believe in a “United Canada” they get their way. I have nothing against French people and am not racist by any means, so don’t call me that! Moreover, I could take this all the way back to the war when Britian beat France for Canada. Still to this day, how is the losing side of a war taking advantage of our government? I have a feeling that the old-time Quebecers were calling descrimination, Canada was crying about it, said “we aren’t descriminating, here is money to prove it!”
What has Martin honestly accomplished to benefit Canada since he has been in office? Our last and current Prime Ministers have been nothing but a push-over to the United States. More could have been done to help farmer’s when the Mad Cow Crisis, interest free loans, are you fucking kidding me?! Same with the lumber tariffs. How the hell is Martin being a little baby and letting this shit happen. Gun registry? What the fuck was he thinking? He’s spent billions of dollars, and not even half of Canada’s guns are accounted for. “well at the time it seemed like a good idea” is what I’m sure he’s thinking. Too bad all your luxury trips have been paid for courtesy of everyone on this fucking board. While your at it Martin, raise GST to 8%, that why you and all your buddies can stay in Los Cabos about a month longer.
The only reason Quebec didn’t seperate is because they realized that there is no hope in hell they could survive without the West spoon feeding them money to help support them. How does a province with the most money per capita and no debt get told what to do and listen? Ralph Klein is a boozer and hasn’t made all the right choices. However, I think he has made a better Alberta all together and honestly feels/ knows we are getting taken advantage of. Furthermore, with a Liberal government in power for the last two decades ( pretty sure!) what can he do about it? Get the Liberals the hell outta there. Thats why I’m voting Conservative! And I’m done hahahha :partyman:[/quote]
Couldnt have said it better myself!
I found some interesting pictures just something to think about…
Wow, early polls show the Conservatives at 40% and the thieves in the high 20’s.