Hows everyone voting??

^^^I’m getting excited but trying not to get too confident after all they are just polls but it is promising.

The NDP announced some interesting policies today as well if they could be a minority government. One thing in the brochure I got today about the conservatives “eliminate the wasteful gun registry and hire more police” Now doesn’t that make a hell of a lot more sense?

How, Not one of the gun murders in toronto was commited with a registered gun by the registered owner.

Who is stupid enough to register a gun then murder someone with that said registered gun.

I am crossing my fingers for a Conservative Majority

Because of their social policies, especially those of Harper, a Conservative majority scares me.

How, Not one of the gun murders in toronto was commited with a registered gun by the registered owner.

Who is stupid enough to register a gun then murder someone with that said registered gun.

I am crossing my fingers for a Conservative Majority[/quote]

You are exactly correct is saying what you just said!!! So why bother have a gun registry in the first place, knowing full well anyone that is registered, probably isn’t going to commit crimes!!! So no gun registry, more cops. Makes sense to me.

They knew at the time that it was going to be useless - police cheifs all across the country told them so. I don’t think any Liberal supporter could defend that particular policy.

On a funny note, the NDP candidate from Mill Woods, Neal Gray, used to be a friend of mine from high school! Anyone from that riding know anything about how he’s been campaigning? :smiley:

Haha NDP candidates don’t even bother campaigning in Alberta…

gosh… i put a vote up on the poll… but i seriously realize im not in the loop when it comes to what seems to be going on with this election… anyone know where i can get some good clear (if thats even possible) information to help me decide?

Please dont spam this question with stupid BS and dumb shit… kthnksbye.

How about reading the various party platforms right from the party websites? Then you get the most condensed version of what each party is promising to do.

I guess that is my best bet Kris… i just fear that they have it written in some way that I’m really not going to understand lol but ill check it out

Look in the Edmonton Journal and see when your riding is featured. Since you said you lived near Kingsway you are either in Edmonton Centre or Edmonton East. I can tell you more by knowing what riding you are in.

Funny thing is that i read that good old jack is in town today to rally the troops to take out Rahem Jaffer or how ever you say his name…Strat is the one seat that the NDP think they can win…Jaffer just srugged it off. HAHAHA…Thanks for coming out Jacky boy :finga:

wow i didnt’ think there would be this little liberals on the board, oh well guess im wrong! i guess im just loyal to how the liberals can run the country, because i just know that the conservatives are gunna do some crazy shiat when/if they get into ppower

there is just one thing i do not get in this election.

Why do the conservatives and Steven Harper make people scared??

If you look at their policies in a world perspective they are VERY simmilar.

Not similar to the world, similar to USA.

He wants out of the Kyoto Accord, which bothers me.

He wants to be involved in missile defense (Putting missiles in space to act as a defense mechanism if another country ws to fire a missile at us. Costs billions and has a VERY small chance of ever working)

There are many things, like the War on Iraq that don’t need to go through parliament to have a decision made. Jean Cretien made the call to stay out of the war. Harper made it very clear he would have sent troops to fight.

Longer jail terms. The US is a perfect example of how this doesn’t work. In California, if you break into a house, steal property, take off in a stolen car and run from police you will get a 25 year sentence. It’s a huge waste of taxpayers money throwing everyone in prison. We don’t need that burden in Canada.

There is also the possibility of gay marriage and abortion laws being changed, whic h don’t affect me directly, but should stay the way they are.

  1. Conservative close to the USA?? Yes they are closer than the liberal to the USA but they are still quote from far it. If you look at the extreme’s of politics, Free market to government run canada with conservative is far from what the usa would be like with republicans. The part that is the hardest is because we had the liberal for so long we feel like they ARE Canada.

  2. Kyoto Accord is a bumch of garbage now anyway. The biggest polluters in the world are not following it or did not sign it. EX USA, China, India, I am pretty sure Britain… Even if the countries that did sign it meet what they agreed to China and Inda will make up the difference.

  3. Missile defence, I agree it is bullshit

  4. Harper said he would have sent troops to help, helping does not mean fighting. it could be like what we are doing in Afghanistan, Rebuilding a country are the USA destroy it, and now has left.

  5. How is crime going to be resolved? Do you agree with the ban on Handguns?? Do criminals use Regestered guns to kill or will they all become law abiding citizens and turn over their guns.

  6. Gay marrige and abortions are for courts to decide not governments.


How about the union leader that prasied paul martin. But he also said vote for the bloq instead of the conservatives becasue they have a better chance at making Canada stay together. And Questioning a leaders aliegance the county? And still supporting this union leader.

How about how Paul Matin has contradicted him self soo many time.
1 Not withstanding clause
2 The add’s about the conservative and soldiers saying they were never approved, then i approved them
and many more (these are just in the past week.)

And Child care. The parents who work should get more than the parents who want to raise children themselves. It is like what we all say “BAREFOOT AND IN THE KITCHEN”

Since the Conservative Party is now made up with a large number of old Canadian Alliance/Reform MPs I do think they have very similar policies to Republicans. Maybe not to that extreme, but close.

You say the Kyoto Accord is garbage because major players have opted out. So Canada opting out is just making it weaker… United States, Australia and Monaco are the only three developed countries not in it. China and India are considered “developing” countries so Kyoto doesn’t yet apply to them. According, to CBC, the US is to blame for 1/4 of all greenhouse emissions. We don’t need to follow them.

Thinking back a few years I can’t recall exactly what Harper said about sending troops to Iraq. I’m sure he said to fight alonside Americans, however, I could be wrong. Even still, with the amount of suicide bombers and unrest I wouldn’t want Canadian soldiers over there.

I just got a release from RCMP K Division. Of all the murders in Alberta, (not including in the major cities of Edmonton and Calgary as they have their own police force) 22% were caused by firearms. 22% were stabbings and 45% of the murders were physical assaults turned fatal. Guns are clearly not the major problem. But we need to rehabilate people who can be rehabilitated. Locking them in jail to rot isnt the answer, unless you are a serial rapist or someone who just cannot abide by the law.

Harper can reverse gay marriage by enacting the notwithstanding clause.

I haven’t seen the ads so I can’t comment on that. Haven’t read much about the child care debate either, as it doesn’t affect me at all.

I think i read something about Canadian soldiers attacked or injured or killed by one of these fucktards just this week…and what are we, peacekeepers. So would it really matter if we went to war We are being attacked riht now.

Back around christmas, when those 2 canadian guys and the one british and american were taken, and you saw images of them. The Canadians were being treated well unlike the American and British…Some news reports speculated that this was because we stood up against war and said no to Bush…BUT, has anyone heard of what happened to them???

So why are the Liberals talking about handguns? Its because they dont give a fuck about the west…Banning handguns only really helps in areas like TO and other large citys with this problem…AKA get the votes in Ontario and win seats!

Im pretty sure he said it would be a free vote…not just one man changing one law.

The Conservatives are the voice of the west…Why someone would vote for the Liberals or any other party is beyond me. The Liberals need to go and there is on other party that has enough pull to get them out.

Dont be scared to vote for the Conservatives…I mean, even if they do fuck up, we can just do this all over again.

Umm just becasue Canada MIGHT opt out of Kyoto does not mean they will not cut emission. They might decide to cut them more dirasticly (doubtful) but i can bet you there will be something to but them. Just becasue they say no to an accord that half the people signed are following does not mean that we are all going to burn coal in our backyards again.

Ok your RCMP thing shows you how ineffective the liberals are when i comes to crime. I agree there are some that can be rehabilitated but there are some who can’t. That is why there is a parole board, although there is alot of work that is needed to be done to make if effective.

Mike: The conservative are not only the voice of the west they are the voice of the people who are fed up of liberal corruption and shanagans.

But i still have one comment. Since i got satalite i watch the Ontario news and they always seem to cast Steven Harper as a bad guy and as something that will not be beneficail to Canada, While out west the news come across very different and Steven Harper comes across alot more friendly and smart. It shows you how skewed the media is even in a place like Canada

So Dave supports Kyoto? Just wondering, do you have a cat on your SR? :lol: