Hows everyone voting??

I know that. I was going to expand that statement but thought it was clear enough…The Alberta Alliance and others like them are all good but will never amount to anything. I would love to see them get some seats but the fact is that right now, it wont happen. I voted for them last year and it really only split the alliance vote up which actually hurts any chance the conservatives have of ousting the liberals which, IMO is the #1 Goal of this election.

hahaha, Rob, you and my dad should have more talks about politics :E


Dave loves the world and Kyoto…he is the only reason we have 2 garbage cans at our bbqs…one for cans, and one for garbage… :smiley:

At least he can say he is doing his part…straight pipe for me. :finga:

There is clearly a lack of understanding among the politicians and the general public on what the Kyoto Accord is about.

The politicians are continually using the words “Kyoto” and “pollution” in the same sentence in the media, which is wrong. Kyoto has nothing to do with air pollution.

“Air pollution” is about CO, NOx, SO2, etc. Kyoto does not address this. Kyoto is about green house gas reduction… Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.

Cretien rammed Kyoto down our throats on his way out. And I don’t know where Martin gets off thinking or saying that the majority of Canadians WANT to meet Kyoto.

Anyone in the Engineering community and in the Oil & Gas sector knows how fucked up this so-called science is. Kyoto could easily bankrupt this country. For what??? Compared to the US, China and Russia (to name a few) we wouldn’t even be making a dent in CO2 levels on a global scale.

There are alternatives to Kyoto, steps that can be taken to head us in the right direction but not under the current misguided illadvised “political” agenda the liberals have.

Mike: I was unclear. Harper can’t change gay marriage on his own. It does have to go to a vote, but with a Conservative majority, that is pretty easy.

I agree the justice system isn’t it up to par. I’m in court every week and I can see many of its flaws. The Liberals plan to ban handguns is retarded.

I try to be as non-partisan as I can. My job requires it, and I try to carry that over into my personal political beliefs. Standing behind any one party is impossible as they all have their flaws.

There are a number of Conservative fiscal policies I beleive in. It’s mostly the social stuff I oppose.

I don’t like the way the Liberal party has gone. I agree with many of their policies, but we do need a fresh government. I just don’t think the Conservative party should be it. And that leaves me with very few options!

I know there are alternatives to Kyoto, I just dont want us to pull a Bush, get out and say we’ll create our own legislation then never do it.

And no I dont have a cat. I got a resonator tho!

Debating politics is so fun! :smiley:

Just got a follow up RCMP release. Of those murders mentioned earlier, 67% of them were domestic. Only 8% were gang related and 8% were drug related. Anyone else see where the problem lies? It’s not the streets and back alleys.


Whether our cars have their catalytic converter in place or not will make no difference in carbon dioxide emissions. CO2 is a natural product of any combustion cycle. If anything, you could make the argument that putting our cats back in might actually increase overall CO2 emissions because part of a catalytic converter’s job is to convert CO –> CO2. (but CO2 emissions would be the lesser of two evils).

The only way for us to really reduce our CO2 emissions is to just drive our cars less. OR, drive more fuel efficient cars that burn less fuel per miles driven.

BTW, water vapor which is also a normal product of combusion is also considered a “greenhouse gas”.

Thanx for clearing everything up Inzane and getting the point across that i was trying to make. However i did not know that a little reduction would bank-rupt us.

Politics are fun to debate.

Dave: what party is left for you?
NDP (if you only disagree with the social part of the conservatives i think you will hate them more)
Marxist-Lenninist (yea right this will fly in Canada, not bad ideas tho)
Alberta Alliance (for you worse than conservatives)

The problem with Canadian politics is that it is basicly a 2 party maybe 3 party system. Look at Isrial (spelling) They have a government made up of 50 odd parties but their problem is that their government is never stable and collapeses all the time.

I guess the big question is WHO IS THE LESSER EVIL

And Mike, tell your dad sure, although some of his stuff is a little to far right for me.

What I meant is if Canada complies with Kyoto, our overall impact on the globe would be negligible, but the impact on our own economy will be HUGE. It will cost our industry BILLIONS to achieve what essentially gains us… nothing.

What the Liberals are doing with the whole Kyoto issue is trying to take the “moral high road”. How noble of them. But they clearly have no grasp on a) what the real costs are going to be, and b) how long it actually takes to implement new technology in the refining, petrochemical and energy production industries.

There really isnt any party that suits what I am looking for. :slight_smile:

I decided to vote based on the strength of the candidate. I voted Liberal.

I actually agree with many NDP policies. Proportional representation is one of the biggies but I don’t know how fiscally responsible they would be. I don’t want all my paycheques gone so people can have free tuition, never pay a cent for health care, etc.

I don’t want my paycheque going to liberals and their friends thats why I DIDN’T vote liberal. To all the people who says Harper is a scary person, how does martin make you feel better? That guy scared me even before he became prime minister. Look at his buisness practices, he cares more about himself than he does about Canada. He’s involved in so many shady deals, he’s dangerous to Canada.

Inzane thanks for your comments I agree with you 100%! I don’t think many people realise how bad of an idea Kyoto is. I don’t see how buying gas credits will help us. That money will just disapear when we could be using it for things like rebates for upgrading your furnaces etc. and creating jobs as a result. Which would help OUR economy. And turning off a lightbulb or 2 will not get us any where near the Kyoto target. It’ll be more like don’t drive your car, at all, and forget about flying any where, etc. If the liberals actually cared about green house gasses they would have actually realised there are way better ways to go about doing it. It obvious all they care about is looking like good people, which they are doing a poor job of as of late.

On a side note I don’t see how any one can stand watching CBC election coverage, or CBC at all actually. That would be the last place I would go for unbiased coverage

And i don’t want my money going to pay for daycare services when BOTH parents are making a living. If a family has a double income it should be above the cost of daycare or there is no point to having both parents work. Even the Liberals are taking money out of our pockets. For communist ideas.

The conservative tax cuts put the most money back in the pockets of the poor. The liberal cut missed all of those people who make less than 25 ish (i think) per year. They pay no taxes so they get no break??

On a side note I don’t see how any one can stand watching CBC election coverage, or CBC at all actually. That would be the last place I would go for unbiased coverage

its just like i can’t see how anyone can read the edmotnon sun rather than the journal, its a ridiculously biased tablo…i mean paper.

xrider: It is the same in Calgary, if you’re looking to be entertained and look at the sunshine girl, get the Sun. If you actually interested in whats happening, look at the Herald. While the Herald is usually accurate, media is never 100% ever, period.

Now onto Kyoto. Considering # of people per square km, Canada is the second less dense country in the world behind Russia. However, per person, we are a wasteful society. However, overall amounts of waste are small considering Canada’s overall land mass. Furthermore, we still have less emissions than many countries.

I have a feeling that China is going to be a major producer of emissions, probably in the next decade, considering they are probably going to rival the United States in terms of power. China’s major steel find in the last few years is going to up emissions. While emissions are more than CO2, consquently the green house effect, each type of air pollution is not only bad for our respitory system, it eats at the Ozone creating multiple problems. I feel that Canada is doing its part to reduce its emissions, whether is under the Kyoto umbrella or not. We get rebates for effiecent furnaces, toilets, gas etc. While I believe this is only available in Alberta, its a step forward none-the-less.

The Liberals are trying everything they can to win this election, even by mildly cutting back income taxes. My mother, who was doing up her taxes, mentioned it to me today. A small decrease in each tax bracket means a larger refund this year, how convient Liberal bastards! While I could care less because I get more money back, its just another way the Liberals are trying to blackmail you into believing a little money will make you turn the other cheek when “the shit goes down from there”

As for the media in Ontario, why would they not hold Paul Martin on a throne. He has given them everything they have asked for, and looks like a God. Meanwhile, the west is getting hung upside-down with money falling out of our pockets to pay for that stuff. Steve Harper is viewed in the West as an intellectual person because this way, the West may get a bigger voice if we vote for him. I could just be coinicedence, but I wouldn’t be suprised if some back-door payments were made to the Media to “can you just twist this a little in my favor”

We all know where the Liberals stand, we have expierenced it for three decades. I also know that the Conservatives, are what to me, seem like the people who don’t take shit and say this straight up how they should be, whether you like it or not. There is no sugar coating bullshit, which usually covers something up entirely cough liberal action 24/7. I’m not pro-military. However, if something actually happens to Canada, the United States is going to be right there, not for our sake, but for their thousand KM border into their country. Canada will never be attacked by another country, period. Our intelligence is also very good. Our military is excellent, for the amount we have. We are one of the best trained soldiers in the world, anyone take a look at the competitions, Canada is always high ranks. Problem is, we don’t have the money for equipment and modern aircraft. So I say, either be military and upgrade, or realize our position of knowing that billions of dollars are going to be needed to make something worth-while, or spend billions on the people.

I can’t scroll down far enough, but whoever said that everyone is scared of Conservatives because it is something different is totally accurate. Liberals have been in our lives too long. We have almost become accustom to it. Truth is from any party, GST isn’t going to be cut by anything, its just not possible. How do you expect to feed the hungry with just a basket? Money is needed for the future, period. We need to look at what the parties are “planning” ( I say this loosely as everything in the brochures are mostly horseshit) to do changing this effecting out lives, not just our wallets. Better health care, better education (How is Europe so far ahead of us when it comes to acedemic standards…oh ya, that costs money, not GST cuts Harper you moron). Multiple users here have mentioned day-care payments. This policy should be the same as getting student loans. What do both or one parent(s) make and justify if you actually need the help from the government. There are no students I know who’s parents are doctors and have student loans. Student loan policy should coincide with day-care rebates or refund of somekind. As for the homeless, who do not pay taxes. I agree that some people are just down on their luck, shit has gone down-hill and have no choice. (I personally donated what I can to the United Way, just so no one thinks I have no heart)
However, whoever cannot get a job in Alberta has serious issues and I personally cannot justify what it exists in the amount that it does. People who are addicted to drugs/alcohol as a personal choice, I have no heart for you, sorry. You made a poor choice, on probably tens of hundreds of occassions. Another thing as well, is that only recently (last 10 years) has the government really stepped in about drug/alcohol abuse problems and how to prevent being trapped in that spiral. I could honestly go on forever about how is society is, and what problems every government is going to have. I’m still voting Conservative because we need a change.

So our poll was proportionaly accurate to the results.

And i am happy about the results (conservative minority) and am really inpressed that Alberta went all blue.

Its about as good of a result as could be had sonsidering our choices.