Who will you Vote for?

You guys are idiots. Voting makes a huge difference. Look at where we are now.

agreed ^^^

dion = douche x12.5
harper = douche x 12

so they are out for me

NDP for the mutherfucking win. Layton is going to stick it to the oil companies.

Nope he won’t. He will be dealing with them so that hr and his family won’t have to worry about paying for gas for life.

Yea I’m defiantly going green or NDP, Conservative is too American for me, and I’m just not rich enough to vote for liberals. So,… yep.

Anyone who doesn’t vote a) revokes their right to bitch about ANYTHING in the government, including this street racing law. You didn’t vote? Fuck you. Your opinion means shit.

And b) you should be kicked out of the country and sent to some eastern block shithole where you can learn why voting is important… It keeps you from being beaten and mugged by soldiers that are now government thugs. No it’s not paranoia and conspiracy theories, it’s a fucking fact. No one votes, the guy with the biggest gun does what he wants.

Wake the fuck up. Look at the US. I don’t know if anyone has thought of this, but this election is very well going to decide the fate of that whole country. They are already so far in debt to China and the rest of the world that they don’t own their own country as it is, and if they fuck this one up, they’re done. Do you people not watch the news?

It’s ignorant fucking pacifist “Oh I can’t change anything, so I’m not going to try” attitudes that have helped the world spiral into the shithole that it is. Not caring is helping our whole world collapse. Congratulations, you’re part of the problem. You don’t have to go volunteer at every community thing you can find, just fucking GIVE A SHIT about something, anything.

nobody has ever one by 1 vote, so whether or not I vote isn’t going to make a difference. The rest of you do what you want to do :slight_smile:

Wont be voting for anyone.

Although im extremely right-wing, the liberal platform is more appealing than the conservative, minus the carbon tax and the leader.

Canada needs a politician with some wit, some charisma, some balls.

Harper is as dry as toast, his party’s platform is all about turning us into America, our surplus has slowly shrunk(so much for fiscal responsibility), and giving tax breaks to major corporations meanwhile we suffer.

Liberals…well Dion is a tit, and they havent made it apparent as to where they stand right now.

As for the rest, not interested.

My biggest problem is that none of these parties have any idea on how to improve the country’s infrastructure, and they refuse to support the cities that make this country money, which is their responsibility.

all in all, canadian politics are a joke, canadian politicians are an even bigger joke. DVX MEA LVX.

Exactly… look at the US… Bush won TWO elections… and no matter what people voted it wouldn’t have mattered he would have still won. Elections are 100% PURELY to make the public THINK they can effect the way there government is run. Regardless of the moron standing at the mic yapping away, what he tells you he wants to do or will do means nothing. The people who ACTUALLY make the decisions and policies in this government are so far out of the public eye that they appear to not even exist… sound like a conspiracy? Welcome to the last 2000 years of human existence.

Democracy is a smarter dictatorship because it gives the ILLUSION of public influence.

Welcome to the machine.

If voting doesn’t make a difference, how did we go from Liberal to Conservative?

for real?

bush won because there are more rednecks and hillbillies in the us then anything else, and not to mention the vast ammout of rich tycoons who vote for him an benefit.

and having the 1 vote doesnt make a diff thing is gay. yes one vote never made a difference but tis the mentality that makes the differences. theres are thousnds upon thousands of others like you who think the same thing. and if they all didnt vote because there 1 vote didnt make a difference, well then it actually would.

if you dont want to vote, the why not move to south korea? or cuba? or china? then you wont have to worry bout it.

People actually voted for Bush. A lot of people. He won because people voted for him.

Very true.

i’ll do wat i did last time i went for voting…
take my ballet, fold it in half and put it in the box w/o going into the voting corner…
as i found theres no one can repersent me for ne of those crapz…
and i have to do my job as citizen to vote

Voting for no one is not voting.

The thing with this country is that there is no good choice, you have to pick the lesser evil.

It’s your duty to vote. If you don’t, you let other people speak for you. One vote may not make a difference, however, it’s the combined sum of non-voters and their poor attitudes that make a difference. If you don’t vote you have no say.

I have no say at all because nobody is worthy enough to deserve my vote. No party platform is appealing, nobody is going to improve the state of affairs in canada, its just going to get worse and worse and worse as each candidate promotes their personal agenda. First chance i get to leave Canada, im gone.

Oh yeah, because other countries are so much better of then we are.

This country does have it’s problem, but when it comes to your day to day life, it’s pretty fucking sweet. You always have clean running water, you always have power, you don’t have to worry about the cops kicking down your door and asking for money so they don’t beat you to within an inch of your life, you have free or very cheap school that is open to everyone and free health care. People here who have a job have a pretty damn good life.

yes there are better countries out there. yes there are other country’s whose culture and lifestyle i find more appealing. Being Italian and having dual-citizenship, given the chance, id move there instantly, not even a second thought.

Those that insist that the west is such a fantastic place to live, were born here. There’s more to life than owning the latest greatest toys and keeping up with the Joneses. The only thing keeping me here are the people, if I could convince all my friends and family to move to Europe with me, I wouldn’t stay here for another second.