polyurethane sheets locally?

Anyone know where to get polyurethane locally? If not ill have to order for a place in texas , just seeing if anyone knew anywhere around here so i dont have to wait… going to need 90a guage in strips 1/2" x 3" x 100" or if thats not possible a regular sheet is fine too. thanks

90 gauge is that like a human hair thin?

what are u building?

and yeah I have no idea where to get it. lol

pretty sure 90a is the hardness. op is a goon.

Yes, Mr. Fizzle, you are correct. 90A is a SHORE measurement, not a thickness measurement.

when did i say it was a thickness measurment? i said half inch thick. 90A guage is how hard it is.

double post

gauge also gage
a. A standard or scale of measurement.
b. A standard dimension, quantity, or capacity.
2. An instrument for measuring or testing.
3. A means of estimating or evaluating; a test: a gauge of character. See Synonyms at standard.
4. Nautical The position of a vessel in relation to another vessel and the wind.
a. The distance between the two rails of a railroad.
b. The distance between two wheels on an axle.
6. The interior diameter of a shotgun barrel as determined by the number of lead balls of a size exactly fitting the barrel that are required to make one pound. Often used in combination: a 12-gauge shotgun.
7. The amount of plaster of Paris combined with common plaster to speed setting of the mixture.
8. Thickness or diameter, as of sheet metal or wire.

Shore durometer:

90A is and example of a unit measure of Shore, used to measure the hardness of a material.

and BTW even if you were talking 90Ga… 37ga is 0.0064 of an inch. so 90 Gauge would be microscopic

and human hair is 0.00067" in dia. btw


i said 90a as in how stiff the material is. clearly stating 1/2 inch after that for thickness, you guys just tryin to bust my balls obviously im not trying to order polyurethan in microscopic thickness or " human hair thin" Also without reading all that i can already tell you that the term Gauge how i used it ( softness/thicknes) would also qualify as # 2 and 3. A unit of testing and a unit of evaluating.

It might work, but it’s still bad English. If you post on Shift518, you shall be torn down. :slight_smile:


Lol, you know it’s true. Have you ever posted on here (aside from your request for a scavenge pump) and gotten an easy, helpful response?

http://www.mcmaster.com Not local but they ship quick and will probably have any material you will ever need

What are you building?


you moron. :retardclap

:lol eagle eye.

LOL, allll you had to do was add a comma and 2 letters…

“going to need 90a guage, in strips of 1/2” x 3" x 100"

for ratards like me to understand it. :rofl

hahah I just looked and noticed I earned a “.” and scored a -1 rep for this.

:hug right back at yeah.

whats your deal, go fix your busted trans bro. dont throw me around like we’re boys. you keep on doing it. its pretty obnoxious.

wait wat? that sounded a little gay. I dont follow you. This one time I threw a boy in the sand box at school. He didnt like that. I got grounded. /pjb