Porn collection

so recently me and the gf have gone to Adult World a few times and purchased some porn. well this isnt the first time ive bought porn but im not very good at it i guess. bought some “feature film” that was like $45 bones and it sucked make cock, no pun! then last weekend went back and bought some girl on girl for like $10 and also sucked!

now i know what your all going to say…INTERNETZ DOOD! ITS FREE!!!
i know i know but we like long movies to watch on a big screen tv. not only that my comp isnt very downloading savy so…i just buy when we want a good porno.

so im here asking all u hairy palm having boy touchers, who has the best movies on there computer that they are willing to burn some copies for me? im guessing about 90% of the forum members have prob about 3gigs of porn so who wants to make some DVD’s??? girl on girl strap-on sex mostly.

kthnxbai :thumbup

I have alot of asians and thigh highs stuff. lol

thigh highs yes, asians no.

If you have an HDTV, just download it, and watch it throught the TV from the computer.

comp is virus ridden and dont feel like getting a new one.


Pm me if youd like it cleaned out deadbeat… Ill take care of ya

No homo?


Porn. Attracts Ilya like a bug to light. lol

I really only have pics Deadbeatbrotato.

Thats what lookin at all that porn does to a computer. :lol

yea no shit. DVD’s are virus free.

pirates on dvd, eden good adult films from major companies.

The DaVinci Load

Oh if you want your F&F knockoff kick, get “Thrust” :rofl

Max Hardcore ftw :rofl

you have lots of that gay cowboy sex stuff right?

Nah, the one is a lesbian scene with two girls. Once is accepting this RIDICULOUSLY large (like 3 foot) dildo and it just keeps getting better from there :rofl :rofl :rofl

lmfao… god i love those ones, its like where the fuck did that 4 foot dick go? there is no way her vageena is that “long” hahah

My favorite is Done in 60 Seconds

story of my life