Porsche dealer - "I got it wrong with the buy one get one free card".

does porsche profit 29k per? or do they net 29k per? these numbers dont have to be exact, just approximate

edit: actually let me put it this way, how much does the dealer pay for the car?


does porsche profit 29k per? or do they net 29k per? these numbers dont have to be exact, just approximate

edit: actually let me put it this way, how much does the dealer pay for the car?


edmunds.com has invoice pricing (but there is alot of back end deals on there such as sales incentives, marketing money etc thrown in)

Just goin on what the discussion on rennlist talked about. I have no inside info on the subject. Nor any insight into dealer pricing at this time.

Report: Porsche profits $28,000 per car

A new study has found that German sports car maker Porsche earns an incredible average of $28,000 in profit on every vehicle it sells. The figure — printed in Germany’s Welt am Sonntag newspaper, citing a study by B&D Forecast — dwarfs the per-car earnings of virtually any other automaker.

Comparatively, luxury and sports car maker BMW makes about $3,200 per car. Audi nets a less impressive $1,580, and Chrysler and Volkswagen earn just $900 and $400, respectively.

Porsche’s overall earnings for 2006 were $2.7 billion. Overall sales totaled 96,794 vehicles.

^ yea thats why i was soo skeptical, if porsche is counting all the intangeibles that go into the running of the company and dividing by the number or 911’s sold worldwide…

The punctuation, phrasing and spelling in that “story” are so far off it’s amazing. No printed journal would allow that to fly. Jenny Shu should get taken out back and shot :stuck_out_tongue:

if it were true, why the hell would a sales manager speak up?

Do you have any idea how much he would have made on commission during that sale?
Some of you are dummer than dat article.

I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air
