Porsche Speedster Skyway Bridge

anyone see that car today on the skyway bridge around 1 30. white, couldnt miss it. Looked and sounded pretty real and not a replica. Heard those cars are big money these days, anyone know what it could be worth. Was some old lady driving. I know some might think its gay or something but hell, thats pure old school porsche


just curious but howd you know its not a replica

oh, and booooyeah:

i said i didnt know for sure but sounded like 2.0 flat 4 but iunno. and it looked pretty darn real or close if a replica

Hands down my favorite car ever…

odd i saw one yesterday

it had an sr

wow that thing is sexed.

old lady driving it… lol
if shes old enough… might be real…

but chances are if its real… its a rebuild.
still worth quite a chunk of money.

oh god, how id love to live down south and drive really old cars every day

there worth anywhere between 30,000 to 250,000 dependin on model year and Most importantly specs
had to squeeze it in

hey sr’s aren’t flat 4’s breaker77.


wow, the vintage race car looks the best! would love to rip that on the track but I would feel bad for the old girl.

I think it was at june jitter bug… hence why it was on the bridge… saw it at the show… pretty sick