Portable Air Filters

For the house or a room. Looking at some from Home Depot. For some reason my bedroom is the dustiest place in the world even after cleaning on a weekly basis and its really starting to bother me and deprive me of a good nights sleep (coughing, irritation, etc.)

Does anyone have one in their room? Does it work well? Recommendations? Thanks


My house has one, I guess it works. We all smoke ( 3 of us ) Kinda pointless for us :rofl:

Get a air cleaner with UV light.

I’d suggest an electronic or media air cleaner on your furnace if your have really really bad allergys, instead of a paper filter or a 1" filter that I’m guessing you have now.

As for room systems, ah, they are okay, but they require you to clean them quite a bit, and if its a ductwork issue, the dust will certainly find its way into other rooms of the house eventually.

UV Lights are a joke. Biggest Scam EVAR

Sorry ,There actually not. That is what I though before I put one actually 2 in . 1 above the a-coil and 1 in the supply air before the air filter. You cant go wrong in my opinion

HEPA Filter is a better option than a UV Light. UV Lights are a joke. They are about the equivalent of the “special undercoating” car manufacurers try to sell.

But whatever, its not what hes asking. Portables work well like I said, but eventually its going to be an issue with dust thruout the house. Have the ducts ever been cleaned? That might be an issue. Also, how old is the furnace and when was the last time it was cleaned? I know you said it was only in one room, but im curious if maybe its a whole house issue and you only notice thebedroom thing b/c its affecting your sleep?

Be Rad, I’ll probably be buying one soon from the depot. My room also gets super f’n dusty. Im getting that $60(I think) black one thats tall/thin.


Anyone ever used one of those sharper image ones, I walked into an office with one in it and it was amazing.

my sister does nails and has one of those sharper image ones to keep the stench down.

I have really bad astma, want to get a furnace with the fancy air filters but right now I have a Howell Hepa one I paid like 60$ for and it really made a difference in the house with 2 dogs and 2 cats and lots of dust.