Poss WTT: Verizon "The V''

I have a LG VX9800 through verizon, I recently cancelled texts due to receiving over 4000 per month and the pricing was getting out of control. So possibly want to trade for another verizon phone+cash for mine.

Let me know if your interested, and what phone you have. Also post pics if possible to show the condition yours is in.


love the phone, mine has always been great, GLWS!!

hmm i should post up a pic of mine. i could use yours since no one ever fucking talks on the phone anymore, its all texts. especially girls :bloated: :ham:

ya I love the phone too, but I got sick of paying that much for texts every month so I just cancelled it. Also if I was going to do a trade, I would really like to keep the vcast and make sure it has a really loud external speaker for ringers.

dam wish this was able to be used on a t-mobile carrier i would of brought it!

trade for razr?

ehhh I don’t rlly like the razr, how much cash would you throw in? and what version is it?

:tup: for this phone. I love mine

pm sent

I love mine too, but unless I can find a way to stop getting so many text’s it almost seems pointless to keep.

as far as the razr’s ehhhh i duno…anyone have anything else?


too many texts? thats umpossible…

And if thats the case, convince everyone to go IN and pay the $5/month for unlimited IN text/pix :slight_smile:

$5 unlimited in is no longer a promotion. $10 now gets you unlimited in msg’ing + 500 outside. much better than the $5 one.

cmon trade for the razr

pics of your razr and how much cash do you wana give me?

how would having any other phone = you getting less text messages?

:word: ?

I cancelled text’s all together, therefore I don’t need a phone with a keyboard on it.


“I recently cancelled text’s”

If anyones contract is up, and we’re going to be purchasing a new phone I would realistically like the chocolate that I believe just came out a day or so.

Someone already offered me $220 cash for it, but I would like to do a trade so I don’t have to deal with ebay again.

i have the VX5200 i think? the silver and blue one, yeah you know you want it :wink: