Possible local armed intruder...

they never corrected mine the two times i was on the news? The department of weights and measures straight up told me my scales wernt off, they just werent certified. Everyone had my scales in there possession, why didnt they correct themselves when they tested them? instead they said i was lying to people about weights when customers arent even given weights when i make an offer.

The shotgun incident, someone fucking robbed me pretty much, they said i chased the dude bc I thought something was stolen? WTFFFF

Was just watching the news now actually and seen some funny shit… cops were doing selling alcohol to minors stings and based on what the cops said, they JUST started it and have many more stops to go yet its already on the news… how fucking stupid can you be to put that on the news before your done with your sting? The news just costed tax payers a ton of loot bc all bar/convienient store owners are going to watch this and tell there employees to watch out… BEFORE it was on the news, the stings were 2 for 2 successful.

uhh, well they would go to jail for murder, because you can’t go murdering people.

and if you want to watch powerful news organization spread wrong information just look at fox news. they lie all the time and get away with it, its why you need use more then one news source and not be a retarded consumer of news. fox news isn’t allowed in canada because of this as a news station.

and did you ever tell them that information was wrong and try to pursue it legally? bc if you did they would probably just of printed a correction and hid it somewhere.

thats what news media does, when they have to correct a front page story they stick it in the back because thats what they legally have to do. like it or not the news can’t be right 100% of the time, and yes on small stories they might never correct it because they will never get in trouble because nobody will ever care but we still have the first amendment and the news needs to be able to operate how they do.