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lol # for lbs

I hate cats. Im out.

<3 cats

Back on topic, picked up Generations Jazz: 870 express tactical

10 boxes of

a few 30-06 boxes

a box of these for nates new toy

for nate

PJB Buddiez?

Holy epic.

Fucking hate cats.

I like cats, dont own any though, dont do Transformers and seriously John you bought a 5 year old a .22?

he is 6 lol

Cats are boring. Dogs poop everywhere. Girls suck.

well damn that makes a whole world of difference now doesnt it?

well have to try this thing when we do my shoot.

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa buddy!!

33" and 32#'s lol


tdi wizzarddd toolz

fuck yea buddy i gotta make the magic happen!!


9mm can never have enough :thumbup